Best weight loss supplements in your opinion. What were the results?

2014-02-20 1:33 pm
Please add in the cost too.
*I've tried my hardest, to no avail. I eat healthy, I try to add exercise in my daily life and all but No. My weight just keeps going up. Hence I'm going to try this method.

*Do state the results! Like, how much was lost in a week, etc.
Thank you. c:

回答 (55)

2014-02-20 1:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
whey protein shake with a slice of wheat bread with NATURAL peanut butter to replace lunch.
keep a log of everything you eat,,, one page a day
make a chart in excel and print it and put it next to your scale so you can chart daily
stick to high fiber foods like quick oats for breakfast
2017-04-07 10:40 pm
let a great dane walk you for 13 minutes 5 mph
2016-09-06 10:20 am
參考: I dropped 20 lbs following this...
2016-08-28 2:17 am
Having less than 1 200 calories a day may slow down your metabolism
2016-07-02 12:48 pm
visit a museum or art gallery
2016-06-29 12:36 pm
Add nuts and chees to salad
2016-06-27 6:30 pm
visit a store instead of shopping online
2016-06-14 2:45 pm
hand wash dishes instead of using the dishwasher
2016-03-29 2:34 am
Stand up and walk atleast 5 mins after evry 2 hours while working
2015-12-14 5:29 pm
fresh herbs can really zing up a healthy meal try growing some in the kitchen using a strawberry pot preserve the flavor by adding fresh herbs at the end of the cooking process

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