Did McDonalds ever sell good food?

2014-02-19 1:33 pm
By good food I mean a burger that is like 80% meat! and the other 20% is spices, onions and breadcrumbs etc. or have they always sold rubbish mixed with pink slime and plastics that they can make HUGE profit margins on

回答 (21)

2014-02-19 1:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No - it's always been junk food. In the early days people ate actual food at home - like lentils and beans and vegetables - so the junk food at McDonald's didn't make so much impact. But over time people just started eating at McDonald's like it was their cafeteria.

I've heard that the fastest growing obese population are the homeless who have no choice but to eat this crap.
2014-02-19 10:46 pm
You have no clue of what you speak of dude, their burgers are 100% BEEF.

Yep, your wrong, totally wrong, W_R_O_N_G, now they are full of fat, cow fat but there is NO fills at at. So go do some research, before you troll McDonald's with lies.

We all know fast food is not healthy, that is not the point. If you don't like it, then don't eat it, if the public did the same then McD's would be forced to change. All the fast food restaurants are the same so make up some lies that might have a chance of being true.
2014-02-20 2:51 am
While you see a lot of information out there on what McDonald's burgers are made of, most of those stories are rumors that get started because people just plain can't stand the idea of big corporations, and want to believe that any corporation will do what they need to to raise profits. In fact, according to snopes.com
"While it's a fascinating tale, there's nothing to it: McDonald's hamburger patties in the U.S. are made with 100% USDA-inspected beef. They are cooked and prepared with salt, pepper and nothing else; no preservatives — no fillers.
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/business/market/allbeef.asp#yziHvpB1TRcFkyBq.99"

There are no fillers in McDonald's hamburger. It may contain pink slime (which is just treated beef), and a higher fat content than you'd prefer, it is in fact beef.
2014-02-20 7:23 am
Used to then money became an issue. As in how can I make more money than I am right now.
2014-02-20 5:42 am
Nope i never recal them having healthy foods
2014-02-20 4:57 am
Like violet tsao said:
If you keep in shape and dont eat too much, the answer is yes, it is good food.
If you dont stay in shape and eat too much of it, the answer is no, it is junk food.

Makes sense? ;)
2014-02-19 10:36 pm
While they are making attempts to add healthy options to their menu, their food is basically junk fast food. Full of calories.
2014-02-21 12:34 am
The Italian ones
2014-02-20 12:50 pm
did they ever make homecoooked style food with no preservatives, no. Why would they? Their basis from the get go was make a lot of food, really cheap, really fast. Id assume they got worse the bigger they became as they needed to supply more restaurants. Yeah its gross, and can make you sick, like a using a public bathroom, so if you cant handle it, just dont use it.
2014-02-19 9:57 pm
If we don't eat too much or too often in McDonald ; if we can control ourselves to enjoy those delicious food , also can keep good shape for ourselves at the same time. Then we sure can answer" Yes" for your question.

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