notebook 防毒幾時過期?

2014-02-20 2:02 am
新買左部notebook(係asus既),裏面付有一個McAfee LiveSafe既防毒但我搵黎搵去都搵唔到佢既過期日子,有無人知佢幾時過期?同埋我衣家咁用洗唔洗收我費?

回答 (2)

2014-02-20 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are running Windows 8, you don't need any of these. Reasons being:

1. Win 8 has Windows Security Essentials built in. All you need is to type Windows Defender in the search box and hit return then follow the prompts on screen to scan. Microsoft updates the definitions on every second Tuesday of the month. Make sure you remember to run it after that day. Absolutely free service. Designed for Windows 8, backed up by Microsoft. What's the worry then?

2. Go into the settings for Windows Defender. In here you can reduce the CPU usage while scanning and fine tune it to minimize lagging on your PC performance. Something that I've found much superior to the other anti virus programs. I've used AVG Free for more than 10 years and put up with that nuisance until I gave this a try and found it OK for the last 6 months.

Run it then delete the McAfee (with 28 days left, you're right) if you like the change. Next time when you update Adobe reader, make sure you uncheck the box in the middle pane where McAfee tries to sneak and get through with the update.

If you don't pay after 28 days, McAfee will quit and expose you to viral attacks. If you don't delete it, it'll keep popping messages to urge you pay.
參考: My software know how
2014-02-20 9:21 am

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