boyfriend wants a few days to himself after fight?

2014-02-18 1:37 pm
I'm a really impatient person and I hate waiting around to sort things out it's been 2 days since my boyfriend said he was gunna take a few days to himself then he would speak to me. I'm fed up and of waiting and want to talk to him about it all what should I do and say to him

回答 (5)

2014-02-18 1:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If he asked for a few day to sort things out things must have gotten really bad. Maybe your patience IS th issue with him. Maybe he feels like you are pushing him around. You need to give him some room to be himself. It sounds like you are trying to control him, not a good start to any relationship. It won't work, he will run.
If you really care about this guy, calm down and relax. Otherwise, you are going to lose him.
2014-02-18 9:41 pm
It might be your lesson to learn how to be patient. Actually, everyone should try to learn it. Only a patient person can do and get more. Don't you think so?
2014-02-18 9:41 pm
Give him space, you're being very clingy and NO GUY wants a clingy girlfriend. If its truly bugging you then confront him about it and YOU talk to him. Sometimes the guy wants the girl to approach him .
But instead of him leaving the fight you two should've worked things out and talked about it. That's what's suppose to happen in relationships. It shouldn't take 2 days to talk to a person after space. Unless he or she has asked for a break then that's different.
2014-02-18 9:41 pm
The best thing to do is let him whimper and not call.
I can see one day to let the dust settle, but give me
a break?

However, you call him, it might incite him. I have a
feeling there are some anger issues with a guy who
doesn't know how to communicate after a short cooling
off period.
2014-02-18 9:38 pm
Nothing, sometimes you just need to sort out your own stuff and constantly having to talk about your feeling and problems can be overwhelming. He'll probably just get over it on his own

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