急急急! 化學反應式 的題目

2014-02-18 8:56 am

Pbl2(s)+4OH-(aq)->Pb(OH)4 2-(aq)+2l-(aq)
will the concentration of Pb(OH)4 2-(aq) be increased,decreased or unaffected by:

(1) increasing the concentration of OH-(aq)
(2) addition of HNO3(aq)
(3) decreasing the amount of PbI2(s)
(4) decreasing the temperature (△H°<0)
(5) increasing the total pressure (△V°>0)
(6) addition of NaClO4(aq)
(7) decreasing the Pbl2(s) particle size

回答 (2)

2014-02-18 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pbl₂(s) + 4OH⁻(aq) <===> Pb(OH)₄²⁻(aq) + 2l⁻(aq)
will the concentration of Pb(OH)₄²⁻(aq) be increased,decreased or unaffected by:

(1) increasing the concentration of OH-(aq)
increase, increase conc. of reactant will shift the eqm. to product side.

(2) addition of HNO3(aq)
decrease, addition of HNO₃ will decrease conc. of OH⁻ and shift the eqm. to reactant side.

(3) decreasing the amount of PbI2(s)
unaffected, as long as solid Pbl₂ exist, no effect.

(4) decreasing the temperature (△H°<0)
increase, eqm. will shift to product side to release heat to counteract the effect of decreasing temperature.

(5) increasing the total pressure (△V°>0)
decrease, as △V°>0, vol. expand when reactants change to products, a high pressure will shift the eqm. to reactant side.

(6) addition of NaClO4(aq)
increase, it will oxidize the iodide ion and thus shift the eqm. to product side.

(7) decreasing the Pbl2(s) particle size
unaffected, as long as solid Pbl₂ exist, no effect.
2014-03-06 6:59 am


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