(求助) Advertising sell product

2014-02-18 3:11 am
而家要做Advertising practice,我要試 sell a product,求指教,可以幫忙想想回答下以問題~ thanks

Product: water Wigglies
Also known as Water Wigglers or Watersnakes (as made by other toy companies).Made by Play Visions. The Play Visions logo is a castle in the sky.

Explain what you did and why you did it.

1.)For example, if you decide to use a fear appeal, why did you decide that? Was it based on concept testing? a focus group? a survey? personal experience? or from other sources.

2.)write on all the advertising material you'll cover - research, market segmentation, influences on the consumer, the psychology of advertising, creative concepts, message design, TV and radio characteristics, selling premises, media planning and selection and so on.


回答 (1)

2014-02-19 6:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- target customer group(s): college market, teenagers, adults, children

- radio, TV, internet advertising, specify which Radio Stations and TV Stations

- establish a Slogan that projects a precise image of the product(s)
e.g. Winnie-the-Pooh

- advertise the positive qualities such as:
benefits - squishy toy, having fun, squeeze to reduce stress,
safety features, durability, good price,
different shapes/forms, different colours and sizes, different types,
good ideas for gifts, suitable for different age groups

- available at numerous store locations

- note: Do Not use fear appeal

- water wigglies are available at amazon web-site, read the customers

Guidelines and references:





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