
2014-02-18 1:55 am
1.Nancy lives____the eighth floor?,on,at,with,up,of,by,over用法(請詳細解答,並舉出例子說明)


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2014-02-18 2:42 am
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1.Nancy lives____the eighth floor?
ANS: on,on,at,with,up,of,by,over用法(請詳細解答,並舉出例子說明)
2(a) IN
*we use 'in' before names of continents, countries and cities:
*in Asia *in France *in Rome
*months/ years / centuries / seasons / periods of the day
in April in 1989 in the 19th century in winter in the morning
*before days......on Sunday
*before dates.....on 31st January
*with the expression ........on Christmas Day / on New Year's Day / on a hot day /
on holiday / on Friday evening / on my birthday
* on the table / on the floor
*we use at for small places and addresses, when the number is mentioned
I saw her at the bar. George lives at 31 Green Street.
*other expressions with at
at school / at home / at work
2(d) With
*before a noun (tools) or a person
we need to stir the solution with a glass rod. (I.S.)
I will watch this movie with my friends this Weekend.
*she was walking up the stairs when she fell
*made of cloth / wood / plastic
*because of
*before transport ( by bus / by taxi / by minibus )
*before time
He must be there by Saturday.
*The balloon is hanging over my desk.

hope these imformation can help you>.<
You may also search for the internet for more imformation about preposition
參考: from my grammar book...Enter the World of Grammar book 2 P.135-137
2014-02-18 9:14 am
Grammar 書與互聯網上有guideline
查好字典, 查 floor 得答案
We live ON the third floor.
Prices have gone THROUGH the floor.
The speaker will take questions FROM the floor.
He let his cigarettes fall TO the floor.

詳細研究, 參考專講 preposition 書
The Preposition Book – T. Cole
The ins and outs of prepositions – J. Yates

2014-02-18 02:19:30 補充:
Prepositions of place
ON – ‘on top of’, ‘on the surface’, ‘on a line’
on the roof, on the floor, on the coast

IN – ‘within’ or ‘enclosed by’ an area or a space
in this box, in the town, in the kitchen

AT – not the exact position, but general location
at home, at school

許多時視 usage, phrasal verbs

2014-02-21 09:02:39 補充:
Prepositions of time

at six o'clock, at noon, at night, at dawn, at midnight, at Christmas, at lunchtime

in 1997, in 8th century, in the winter, in the morning (evening), in the sixties

on Sunday, on May 1, 1997, on 4th of July, on Monday morning, on Christmas Day

其他: by, during, from, to

2014-02-21 09:14:13 補充:
Use MADE FROM when the materials used to make something have been completely changed and cannot be recognized :
~ a wine made from grapes

Use MADE OF when the materials have not been completely changed and can still be recognized :
The wheels were made of wood.

made by someone
made in Japan

2014-02-21 09:44:28 補充:
at the weekend (UK), in the weekend (US)

arrive at the station (party), arrive at a decision (conclusion)
arrive in Paris, arrive in France
arrive on the scene, arrive on our table
arrive home (no preposition)

香港考試, 是填鴨式, 大同小異, 熟讀 prepositions 個 list 便 OK
2014-02-18 4:18 am
(純粹好奇)其實我唔明,點解你唔 google 下依啲 preposition 嘅用法?用法依啲嘢,最好嘅方法係自己睇 reference book,你大可以睇下 Daisy 大大答你,佢都係 refer 返本 grammar book,就算人哋教你,都係照返講出嚟。

2014-02-18 3:50 am
2014-02-18 1:56 am
Nancy lives ON the eighth floor.

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