
2014-02-17 10:34 pm
(城市&身恒),其實本人唔係成日遲還卡數,只係間唔中唔記得咗,迉二三日就入返,咁樣會上TU嗎? 因為聽人講,如你遲還超過30日,銀行先會上tu,係咪真?

回答 (2)

2014-02-17 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What you understand is true.

You will not be reported to TransUnion for any late payment less than 30 days.

However, please keep in mind that TransUnion is not the only information banks consider. Banks have their own internal system to monitor.

A pattern of late payment may result in downgrading of banking relationship (no promotion, higher APR, lower credit line, no annual fee waiver, etc.)
2014-02-23 5:47 am
教你一個方法, 永遠沒有遲還卡數和卡債。
第一步, 前往銀行的服務台, 要求卡數到期日, 由帳戶直接扣除。
第二步, 申請一條Credit Line, 作為帳戶過帳順暢的保證。
簡單, 容易。

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:09:41
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