Make me 20 history questions for kids..very simple ones. Best set of questions will get 10 POINTS!!!!!!?

2014-02-17 7:49 am
Pls note that no world war questions or questions related to religious/political views are not allowed

回答 (4)

2014-02-17 2:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Where did most of the world's widely-used alphabets come from? (Egypt)
2. Who built the Great Wall of China? (Emperor Qin Shihuang)
3. Why did he do so? (To keep out the invading nomadic/moving tribes)
4. Who was the first emperor of Rome? (Julius Caesar)
5. What was the longest-lasting state in Africa? (The Ethiopian Empire)
6. What empire nearly lasted for 1,000 years? (The Byzantine Empire)
7. Who discovered the concept for the number zero? (The Indians, and later the Mayans)
8. Why did the Vikings conduct raids? (Because they need more land, resources, and safety from rivals)
9. Where did the chariot come from? (Central Asia)
10. Who was the king who unified ancient Egypt? (Narmer)
11. What ancient Egyptian doctor was also a pyramid architect? (Imhotep)
12. Who invented the crossbow? (Ancient China and Ancient Greece)
13. Where was the car invented? (Germany)
14. Who built the first Suez Canal? (An Egpytian Pharaoh)
15. Who invented chess? (The Indians)
16. Who was the inventor of the type of map we normally use today? (Gerardus Mercator)
17. Who was Boudicca/Boadicea? (An Iceni queen who fought against the Romans, but was defeated.)
18. How was London founded? (As a Roman fort)
19. Where was the first discovery of a T-Rex? (Colorado)
20. What did the Spanish think California was when they discovered it? (An island)
參考: Partly from Wikipedia.
2014-02-17 9:20 am
I would recommend you to a book called "1066 and All That"
2016-04-08 10:10 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

Computers Television Radio (just starting around this time) Internet Penicillin (anti-biotic) Rocketry (missiles and space exploration)
2015-08-06 5:11 pm
This Site Might Help You.

Make me 20 history questions for kids..very simple ones. Best set of questions will get 10 POINTS!!!!!!?
Pls note that no world war questions or questions related to religious/political views are not allowed
參考: 20 history questions kids simple set questions 10 points:

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