Which one has more headaches and troubles in life a child teenagers adults or older people and why?

2014-02-17 12:45 am
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回答 (5)

2014-02-17 1:00 am
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Teenagers are overly sensetive and hormonally emotional. They think they have real problems but most of them don't. They have problems like "Oh no, I have acne today." Or, "My crush was laughing with somebody else." Or, "Oh no, I better kill myself because my parents don't understand me even though I am essencially the same teenager that they once were."

Adults have REAL stress. For example, "Oh no, If I don't go to work today, I will get fired, causing a chain reaction of poverty and despair that will affect my wife and kids in a detrimental, and possibly traumatizing way." Or, " Oh no, my wife is cheating on me and now I am going to give up half the things I have earned throughout my life, and am in a custody battle over my kids, and now I have to move out of my own house with only half the money I thought I had."

Adults and teens have stress, but the stress teens feel is a waste of pointless worry, while adults stress about things that will actually have an effect on their lives.
參考: I am old.
2014-02-17 12:57 am
older people i would guess having to decide what to do with that little income they have to live off , i see my gramps well not mine but an old man and women who rather adopted me and seeing him try to afford medication over food or gas he sure gets cranky seems its always short or there cutting something else teenagers have it made they make the most trouble for themselves thinking they always need objects to be fashionable and most adults may have it rough but not like seniors an adult can always go hussel up something a seniors doesn't have the choice they be unable if they wanted
2014-02-17 12:58 am
young adults, the ones finishing college and trying to find a job, husband/wife, etc.
2014-02-17 12:49 am
I would go with older people because they have to worry about their health, bills and social security, worry about grand kids, worry about being scammed ,and many other things.
2014-02-17 12:46 am
Teenagers have more problems because their lives are more in transition and flux.

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