I need tips for weight loss?

2014-02-16 4:42 pm
I'm a 16 yr old girl and very athletic. I'm 5 foot 3 and muscular at 135 pounds. That's not all muscle, but I'm not fat. I would just like to lose 10 or 15 pounds to slim down a little bit, I think that would boost myself confidence. For a week I've been eating 1400 to 1500 calories a week with 2 hour lacrosse practices. I've started taking a multivitamin, drinking coffee and tea, at least 10 cups of water, and getting at least 3 servings of vegetables. I just want to know if this will really work and anything I could change that would help in this process. I've already noted a difference in the way I feel, which is good. Any tips or suggestions that would help my weight loss are greatly appreciated.

回答 (47)

2014-02-16 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, I'm sort of the same as you, 5 ft 5 and 128 lbs, athlete and muscular-ish. Your diet seems okay, but you should be eating about 1800-2200 cals since you lead an active lifestyle. My suggestion is to loose weight after your lacrosse season is done, because dieting now can affect you on how you play.
Just eat your fruits, veggies and get in a lot of protein and avoid junk food, fast food and sweets if you really want to loose that weight. Choose "light" options if possible.
參考: Competitive swimmer.
2017-03-13 8:20 pm
invest in a treadmill desk like the trekdesk 479 trekdesk com
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3 hours of shopping
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turn dinner into a healthy lunch the next day by wrapping your lean leftovers in a whole wheat wrap add a little dijon mustard or curry powder for added flavor
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stand while styling your hair and putting on makeup
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put less food out and you ll take less in
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tour a winery instead of just buying another bottle
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90 minutes on the elliptical
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45 minute of treading water
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enjoy high calorie treats as the accent not the centerpiece
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walk your lunch outside or to another location in the office instead of sitting and eating at your desk
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cool down with 20 minutes of white water rafting in the nearby tongariro river
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fill your plate with vegetables first
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follow the nutrients
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don t skip breakfast
2014-09-12 2:39 pm
Do you tried Garcinia? Proceed in this website : http://Go.HelpfulGarcinia.com . This would seriously helps everyone.
2014-02-20 2:16 pm
Every body is different. A pound is 3500 calories. The more muscle you have, the faster you'll burn the fat.
You need weight training 3 times a week, alternating days. Cardio is fine too.
You have to eat and burn calories to take you under your maintenance calories. For instance, there are calculators out there to do this...my maintenance is 1800 calories a day. If I were to eat 1500 calories a day, that's 300 calories a day less than what it takes to maintain my body weight. 300 times 7 days is 2100 calories. Not quite a pound. So, let's say my goal is to workout 3 times a week and add cardio 2 times and I burned 1900 calories through that. 1900 plus 2100 is 4000 calories.
One pound being 3500 calories, I've just lost just over a pound in a week.
4 1/2 pounds a month times 6 is 27 pounds.
Plus, people that are very overweight, tend to lose more in the beginning because there's water weight etc. that comes off faster.
But that's the basic foundation.
I'm doing a program just for women at http://inshapenow.net. It's amazing with great support from women doing this program or have already succeeded.

Just remember...
Less calories, build muscle through weights, eat protein and carbs through veggies and fruit. You need fat in your diet, don't cut it all out. There are good fats. Dump the diet sodas, they won't help, and actually have been proven to hurt weight loss.

Good luck
2014-02-16 7:20 pm
Ok in regards to the water, cut maybe down to 8 cups instead of 10 because water can build up in your body as water weight making you feel like you are fat. Working out daily also help, your calorie intake is pretty good, but also eat your fiber and fruits they are important too. Also try to get plenty of sleep. Watch out also for your coffee since there is caffeine in it.

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