How to lose weight and be skinny?

2014-02-16 3:54 pm
I have some extra fat on my body and i would like to get rid of it.
What is a good way to lose weight within 5 months?

-Do Low carb diets work? If so, how well do they work?
-If i go on a low carb diet, and i start eating carbs, will i gain all the weight back?
-Is there a way to eat normally but still lose weight?
-What foods lower your appetite?

Thank you for answering my question!

回答 (6)

2014-02-16 4:21 pm
First of all, don't go on a diet. Diets are temporary and eventually all the weight will return after you have lost it. Why not try changing your lifestyle? This way you can eat normally and be healthier, which will obviously help you to lose the weight. It may sound difficult at first, but why not try it?

Don't eat:
-processed foods of any kind
- white bread
- whole wheat bread
-canned soups
-canned vegetables
-sodas, especially diet
- juices (apple juice, orange juice, etc.)
These foods are filled with harmful ingredients and also make us fat.

-Fresh fruit
-Fresh Vegetables
-unsalted nuts
-whole grain bread
-dairy (buy organic though)

Eat 6 small meals a day. (Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, snack, dinner) Snacks are 100-200 calories, and the bigger meals are 200-300 calories) (you can also rearrange it though so it fits your schedule.) This will keep your metabolism up and will prevent you from going into starvation mode. This is when your body stores everything you eat as fat because it worries you are not going to be eating for awhile. Whenever you crave food and you know you aren't hungry, drink water until you're filled up. It will help you lose your appetite. Fruit will also probably help you to lose your appetite as well. A low calorie snack to eat is popcorn. I'd suggest popping the kernels over the stove yourself because it will be healthier.

Exercise for at least 40 minutes a day. If you want to lose weight, I'd suggest working out longer. Join a gym, do a sport, or even look up videos on youtube and make your own exercise routine. Even just going for a walk or run will help. Just stay active.

I know it may sound hard and this might not be what you want to do or what you were looking for, but if you avoid those foods you'll watch the pounds shed off fast. Try this for two whole weeks. I guarantee you'll feel a lot better, physically and mentally and the cravings will disappear as well. Sorry though if this wasn't what you were looking for, but just an idea if you want to try it. I currently do it and I've never felt better and I'm starting to see weight loss results myself. Also don't try to lose more than 1 pound per week. I know maybe you want faster results than that, but if you lose to much weight at a time, it's just a whole lot easier to gain it back. So in the long run, losing the weight slowly will pay off and It will stay off. Good luck!
2014-02-16 10:02 pm
Eating normally is eating low-carbohydrate. You eat real foods and cut out refined carbohydrate. Sugar and grains aren't real food.

Low carbohydrate lifestyles work because of this:

Carbohydrate drives glucose. Glucose drives Insulin. Insulin drives fat to storage. Limiting carbohydrate reverses fat storage.

If you got fat, you ate too many carbohydrate over a long period of time. Of course, if you eat them again you'll gain weight. It is like asking if you drank alcohol again after getting sober, would you get buzzed and/or inebriated.
2014-02-16 8:20 pm
I lost a lot of weight by cutting bad carbs like white rice, tortillas, white bread, cookies, cakes (sugar),
soda and only drinking water saves many calories!
Basically a low carb diet and exercise 6 days a week.
Eat a good breakfast and i don't mean biscuits!
Portion control is very important. I love green tea and it gives me energy.
Here is a diet that I stumbled upon by accident. It works and easy to follow
2014-02-16 4:36 pm
You just need to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, dont go on any sort of diet, they arent going to work long term for you and youll only gain weight back if you eat normally again, shocking the body
2014-02-16 4:16 pm
Live your life to the fullest!You can eat whatever you want,BUT,it has to be within your daily calories.For example,if your body uses 2000 calories a day to maintain weight,you decrease like 200-300 calories so you can lose if you are allowed 1700 calories a day,eat whatever you want ,as long as by the end of the day,you dont exceed 1700 calories.(hopefully you know the amount of calories your body need to maintain your weight,it makes things a lot easier)

Low carb diets are good because carbs turn into sugar and into fat.however,i'd suggest you to not try a low carb diet because it isn't worth'd lose a lot of energy.And without energy,you cant do a lot of stuff,like exercising,which is also something you need to do .(start by walking 30-40 minutes a day or if you can jog ,then do so.)i believe coffee can suppress your appetite a little
2014-02-16 3:55 pm
You need to eat less of the foods you normally eat and eat more fresh fruits and veggies. Celery, carrots and other veggies are really good at keeping you filled full. Its very hard to go low carb for a diet because as soon as you eat them again you will gain all the weight back and more. Just eat less junk, eat more good foods and work out 30 mintues a day.

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