
2014-02-17 6:53 am
KE=1/2mv^2 is the formula for calculating the KE of an object.
*Can we also use W=Fs for calculating the KE of an object?(As i know the first
formula comes from W=Fs)

回答 (4)

2014-02-17 7:18 am
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Sure, they are also usable, W=KE=Q(heat chapter)=E.
May be you can analysis W=Fs from F=ma.
unit of W= kg m^2v^-22
unit of F= kg mv^-22
so W= F*S(length)

Both KE and W mean energy, however, KE is different in different condition,
KE can equal to 1/2mv^2+ mgh, so you need to take care when to use
參考: myself
2014-02-17 7:27 am
K.E. = (1/2)mv²
是當物體以速度(v)運行時,便知其動能為 K.E. = (1/2)mv²

如果 以 W=Fs 去計算,所付出的功為 W,但是否所有的功量 W 都全部變為動能呢?可能有問題吧!


但當物體置於非光滑平面上受力加速,有摩擦,有一部份功 W 會變為熱能,動能便不等於 FS 了。
2014-02-17 7:23 am
Work done W = F.s where F is the applied force and s is the displacement of an object.

But F = ma (where m is the object mass, a is the acceleration)
and from the equation of motion: v^2 = u^2 + 2a.s
a = (v^2 - u^2)/2s
Therefore, W = m[ (v^2 - u^2)/2s].s = (1/2)m(v^2 - u^2) = (1/2)mv^2 - (1/2)mu^2
That is, the work done in bringing an object from rest (u = 0 m/s) to speed v
= (1/2)mv^2, which is termed as the kinetic energy possessed by the object
2014-02-17 7:04 am
其實 Work Done = Fs 是假設了 F 是 constant。

正確的應用 integration

Work Done
= ∫ F ds = ∫ F v dt = ∫ mav dt = ∫ m dv/dt v dt = ∫ mv dv = (1/2) m v²

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