How to deal with old dog, incontinence?

2014-02-16 12:52 am
My dog is going to be 16 years old this year. She's a medium sized German Shepard/Wolf mix and in her old age she's been going to the bathroom constantly, and all over the place. Sometimes, it will happen right after we let her outside. She will literally walk into the house and not five minutes later she will have gone on the floor somewhere.

It has gotten so bad that we've essentially confined her to one room in the house(there are other reasons for that too, we recently got a new dog and she doesn't get along with it.) Now that room stinks like urine and is essentially unusable even though we clean up and scrub the carpets every time she goes.

Is there anything that can be done to fix this problem? She won't let us put diapers on her without an extreme fight, and she will rip them off just as quick as we get them on. We've also tried letting her out literally hour on the hour to no avail. Any advice?

回答 (4)

2014-02-16 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have you had her checked to see if she has a UTI or is it just old age. It is awful to have to take a senior dog and isolate her in a separate room and on top of that you are bringing in a new puppy to replace her or that is how she sees it. She does not relate the accidents to having to stay in a room alone she sees it as being replaced. It's to bad that you couldn't wait until she was gone to get another pup.

If the leakage is from old age the please have her humanly euthanized for her dignity. She is separated from everything that was her life before. There really isn't any reason to make her suffer the loss of her pack, she doesn't understand and believe it or not she knows you blame her she just doesn't know why.
2014-02-16 8:55 am
See your vet to detemrine the reason for the sudden incontience. Could be kidney/bladder stones, crytals in the urine, a UTI or hormonal changes (although odd, to occur so late in life, vs YEARS ago). There are MEDICATIONS for serveral of these issues.
2014-02-17 12:23 am
Whack it over the head with a rolled up newspaper making sure you get contact
with one of his ears and yell NO! at the same time.
2014-02-16 10:30 am
First thing would be a trip to the vet to have her checked out. My GSD is on Prorin for incontinence and it has taken care of the problem. It is not your dogs fault and am pretty sure she doesn't understand what she has done to be confined to one room in the house, especially since you have a new dog. It could also be UTI but it is her vet who can tell you. So please do her a favor and get her checked out. She is a senior now and needs more understanding and love from you give it to her.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:22:33
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