are capricorns and libras very superficially shallow or am i just running in those types?

2014-02-15 8:33 pm

回答 (8)

2014-02-15 8:44 pm
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They're shallow.
2014-02-15 9:41 pm
only some capricorns and some libras can be. i've been very good friends with capricorns, and i'm libra. she's not shallow, and i believe i'm not shallow. the reason we're not shallow is that our own life experiences shape us. you got your life experience that shaped yours. you should understand where i'm coming from with this. your life experience determines the type of person you are, not being just libra or just capricorn
2014-02-18 4:39 am
We tend to see qualities of ourselves - in others.
If you label Libras and Capricorns as shallow, they may seem that way because it's all you can see, or how you relate to what you percieve.
Capricorns desire for certain appearances - quality, brand names, or status symbols can seem shallow. You might remember that they are also willing to work very hard. very long hours with incredible energy - for these things, and that's not being shallow - but is what you respond to, from your own reference point.

Libra tends to see all ramifications of a situation, plan -- choice, person. This ability gives them a much bigger picture than most people can see-such as having one point of view, or one idea, plan - direction, etc.
The multifaceted characteristic of Libra's focus can seem superficial to you because you can't relate to all that their minds process-You see them as shallow- indecisive, or even "Too nice." but that's because you're aware being somewhat shallow.
Change-or fix yourself, and everyone else "changes."
Funny - how that happens!
2014-02-15 11:20 pm
Well, a little shallow. But we don't mean it in a mean way.
參考: Libra
2014-02-15 10:34 pm
Um, excuse me. I'm a Libra and I'm the least shallow person I know. People just like to judge us because we look better than them. It's not my fault that Libras are naturally beautiful and graceful. We are ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, after all.
2014-02-15 9:10 pm
Sounds practical and wise to me

No Car - Blisters on your feet

No House ,No Clothes -You sit on a park bench all day and night ,Bored,Raggedy and Stinking 'till Mc Donald's opens and then you snatch French fries and run.

Friends ? ..Quality is better than quantity. Always.
參考: Cap Moon/Cap Mars
2014-02-16 9:47 am
2014-02-15 8:45 pm
Astrology is just a bunch of bullshit. It's all up to the person.

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