anyone know of any personal experiences with sagittarius and aries dating, or being friends?

2014-02-15 8:05 pm

回答 (4)

2014-02-15 8:08 pm
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yeah the aries was a compulsive cheater. They're two friends of mine, thats my experience with it. In saying this, not all aries act that way.
2014-02-16 4:30 am
My mom is a sagittarius and she is bossy i dont like it also my grandmother is a Aries she can be very sweet but crazyat times but i guess i feel this way because im a pisces
2014-02-16 6:07 pm
Fun to be around.
2014-02-16 5:45 am
It has absolutely Nothing to do with their zodiac! There are bad ppl and good ppl from every sign,Ive met amazing aries and horrible ones. One of my best friends is libra,so is one of my biggest ennemies! So u never can tell by the sun sign,you have to look at their whole natal chart;)
參考: Experience& astrology

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