what are the not-forgivable sins that condem you forever?

2014-02-15 8:30 am
what sins garentee that you will never see Gods kingdom?

回答 (11)

2014-02-15 8:32 am
not offering a "burning" sacrifice to the altar of "god".
2014-02-15 8:42 am
No unforgivable sins if you repentance. The only unforgivable sin as Bible says is rejection of faith and God and never changing your mind about it . But if you change your mind and repentance then it becomes forgivable.
2014-02-15 8:41 am
Vegetarianism, remember this god supposedly loves the scent of burning flesh, so if you dont host a few BBQ's you are eternally condemned
2014-02-15 8:34 am
I think it was murder, and rejecting god (like if he came to you personally, told you to do something, and you told him off).

Interestingly, many seem to look past the first one. Maybe you've seen interviews of prisoners convicted of murder, and when interviewed, say "god has a plan for me, I don't need to prove anything to anyone." People will rationalize anything givin their circumstances
2014-02-15 8:33 am
If any part of your body causes you to sin, you should cut it off. If you don't that means you are not repentant. If you don't repent, you don't get forgiven, and you go to hell.

So, when your brain causes you to sin, you should stab yourself in the brain. If you have never done that, it is a sign that you are not repentant.
2014-02-15 8:31 am
Poor spelling and ignoring Yahoo's spelling corrections, is a good start.
2014-02-15 11:16 am
The sins of many shapes and forms come under one sin that shall not be forgiven, which is the sin of not believing.
2014-02-15 11:11 am
There are none.
2014-02-15 8:54 am
Sin is Sin. God hates Sin.
2014-02-15 8:54 am
The Bible claims that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgiveable sin. However, the Bible also claims that Jesus died to save everybody from their sins; ALL sins. One would conclude then, that Jesus died for that sin too. So, therefore, there is no sin that is not forgivable as long as you believe in Jesus, right?
2014-02-15 8:33 am
Never to have bothered to see the B52s when I lived in Atlanta.

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