劍橋字典 牛津字典 兩本各有咩分別?

2014-02-15 11:04 pm

今年,我漸漸對玩online game 冇咩feel,

劍橋字典 牛津字典 兩本分別在於邊度?

回答 (4)

2014-02-17 11:00 am
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) 是 20-volume, 定價五千英鎊
Indigo 賣 US $11,400.00
請問回答者 TOMING88自己會不會買? 是否自己用過才推薦他人?
OED 適宜大學研究員

牛津出版社出許多的英語字典, 適宜香港中學有
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) – 8th edition (with disk)
牛津高阶英漢雙解詞典 - 第7版
Oxford ESL Dictionary 2nd edition (with disk)

2014-02-17 03:43:15 補充:
如果比較字典, 要列出哪一本
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary – 3rd edition (with disk)
劍橋有 collocations [連語] 和例子多
與OALD比較, 兩本都是好字典, 各有各好
兩本字典有 disk, 可以安裝在電腦上
2014-02-16 6:54 pm
----When you think of lose feeling on online game, you come to think on English learning as a feeling of good. Even now the 8th edition after the first published 1948 about the Dictionary, Oxford is still the greatest Dict.of all. We would still recommend you to try buy Oxford English Dictionary (OED) in HK to be the most practical one.
--Students will learn the vocabulary for the topics you need try to talk and write about; to read vocab even up to 7000 words where keyword entries show the most important words and most important meanings.
---Read Oxford dictionary even to enter Oxford U.
---Oxford dictionary is a world best seller over the Cambridge one.
---When you have started to read the OED, you realize that you will finish with an Oxford U. entrance endeavour.
eg:- entrance/ noun has the meanings on Door /Gate
-------Becoming involved
To club/ institutions etc. a university entrance exam./ entrance requirements/
eg:-When you got a university entrance exam. with entrance requirements, you can enter the Oxford. As for the listening, computing is an electronic device that reads data stored in one form and changes it into another form so that the computer can perform operations on it. Hence Listening is not a problem .
Hope you have a successful reading time.
2014-02-16 9:28 am
「今年,我漸漸對玩online game 冇咩feel,

2014-02-16 2:48 am
我無劍橋字典, 所以俾唔到意見你, 因我一直只選用牛津, 因為牛津的解釋和例句, 我覺得十分適合香港英語, 其他字典的解釋始終好似欠缺什麼。我只會推薦你用牛津, 但現在用書的字典好似慢啲, 我建議你用多少少去買本電子字典會好啲。

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