Are there any over the counter pills for anxiety, stress, and or depression?

2014-02-14 10:22 pm
For the past several months my anxiety and stress have been worse than ever and it's affecting how I interact with people to the point where I think I'm starting to get depressed. I don't want things to get any worse, but I also don't want to freak my parents out and make them think that something is really wrong with me. Also, I'm extremely bad at expressing my feelings so I don't think my parents would believe me if I told them all of this.

Anyway, I was just wondering if there is some type of medicine that could make me feel better. Maybe some type of vitamin? I don't know.
I'm 17 if that helps at all.

Your help is really appreciated. Thank you

回答 (8)

2014-02-15 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Anxiety often comes and goes.

Anxiety is a state of fear of real or imagined danger, which is manifested as increased heart rate, trembling, panic, weakness, extreme fatigue and stomach or intestinal discomfort.

Anxiety, depression, nervousness, worry or stress can cause over 100 symptoms or health problems as as in;_ylt=A0oGkmYCx0ZQ5CUA.T4L5gt.?p=%22over+100+anxiety+symptoms%22&fr2=sb-top&fr=ush-ans&type_param=&rd=r1

Prescription medication for anxiety, stress, nervousness, depression and worry can give you bad side effects so natural remedies are often much better.

Natural remedies for anxiety, stress, nervousness, worry and depression include exercise, Yoga, Chamomile tea, Melatonin, 5-HTP, Valerian Root, other herbs, vitamin B complex and other remedies as in
2014-02-15 6:25 am
you need to go to your doctor for help
2014-02-15 6:32 am
I would go and see your doctor.
2014-02-15 6:29 am
No, there is nothing over the counter for this. You need to talk to a therapist and maybe go on medication. I know it seems at first like it's going to freak out your parents, but part of that is your anxiety talking. Your parents are stronger than you think. Tell them what's been happening and get the help you need.
參考: I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, I've been through therapy, I take medication, and I'm doing great. You will too.
2014-02-15 6:26 am
St. John's Wort is the supposed to be the natural anti-depressant across the counter.

Also, a friend of mine said lots of Sugar Free Red Bull (caffeine) helped him get out of the doldrums. Might try joining a Yoga or meditative group, or pick up a hobby like guitar or whatever. Write your own songs.
2014-02-15 6:26 am
St. John's Wort is an OTC herbal treatment for depression.
2014-02-15 12:24 pm
hot sauce,caffeine,good friends,melatonin(for sleep),kava kava (if you can still buy that for anxiety) fish oil,love,and positive music..never ever listen to sad music..ever..ever. Put on good music,and just run as fast as you can.

blast don't worry be happy as soon as you wake up,count your blessings,shake it off's all going to be ok
2014-02-15 6:35 am
I'll tell you something. I've been depressed for more than 3 years now. Nobody knew until it got to the point I was incapable of actually keeping it a secret anymore. My parents who live in another country realized something was wrong and asked me to see a psychologist. Looking back it's surprising that I'm still breathing. And this was just 2 months ago. Sure, I still feel like ****, things didn't magically become great. It's still hard, and unbearable but somehow I feel stronger, even it it's by a tiny little bit.

My point is find someone to talk to. Pills won't magically fix you, that's one of the first things I learned after getting diagnosed. The pills barely do anything

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:24:54
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