What's one thing you hate about yourself and one thing you like about yourself?

2014-02-14 2:13 am
Thanks for every ones answers.

回答 (8)

2014-02-14 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hate: My face.
Like: My trustworthiness.
2014-02-14 2:30 am
I hate that my face turns red easily.
I like that I can make friends easily.
2014-02-14 2:20 am
hate: laziness
love: studiousness
2014-02-14 4:13 am
Hate - anger and too much of goodness . . Like - helping nature ..
2014-02-14 2:17 am
I hate the fact that I worry to much
In general I really like my personality
2014-02-14 3:59 am
Hate: Care way too much.
Like: Care too much.
Duck the system.
2014-02-14 2:31 am
I went bald a while back.
But I'm healthy and in good tip top shape
2014-02-14 2:16 am
Like: My Hair
Dislike: My Hair

Love hate relationship. It looks good! it looks bad!

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