
2014-02-14 4:17 am

小弟去年十二月中, 因為意外右腳受傷, 膝蓋當時腫脹起來,無法行走.

後來看了醫生, 他要求我照磁石共震(MRI).

從醫生口中得知, 今回的傷勢非常嚴重, 我的後十字韌帶斷裂以及腳內側副韌帶爛左.

1. Full thickness PCL tear is seen at the mid substance of PCL
2. Disruption of MCL is compatible with grade 3 MCL injury
3. MPFL tears and MLO strain injury.
4. Vastus lateralis muscle strain injury and partial tears.
5. Partial tear at the musculotendinous junction of popliteus.
6. Abnormal bone marrow signals at medial femoral condyle, medial and lateral posterior tibial
plateau and fibular head and no MR evidence of Segond fracture is noted.

我的主診醫生, 建議我先做復健再看效果.

但是我有朋友建議我去做手術, 因為他深怕老年時, 腿部肌肉力不足夠, 那時候就會更難受.

現想請教未知可否分柝, 有關[後十字韌帶]復健跟手術兩者之間的好處跟壞處?

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2014-02-14 9:02 pm
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