
2014-02-12 5:01 pm




在6月的時候,我們一同去為期兩星期的紐西蘭南島之旅,我們由motueka開始出發,第一站是Christchurch,在Tekapo看滿天的星星,在queenstown play sky diving和看美麗的雪山,旅行結束後我們一同回去motueka住在同一個地方.

在7至9月的時候我在Talley's裡工作,Daniel他一樣在south wood裡工作,我們每一天同一時間起床一同擦牙洗臉一同出門,每一天下班回家,我們一起煮飯準備大家上班的lunch box,每逢大家的週末我們都會去不同的地方,去沙灘和滑雪。

在我來紐西蘭working holiday前我也知道我姐姐要在2013年10月結婚,那時候daniel也知道我要在10月回去香港參加我姐姐的婚禮,他也答應了我12月會來香港與我一起渡過聖誕節和我的生日31december和除夕倒數新一年,他也送別我到Christchurch airport.回去香港後我跟Daniel每一天就只能靠Facebook,Skype,Tango來見面和談天。

10decmber2013 Daniel來到香港找我,為期3星期的香港之旅,這一天我跟我的家人去香港機場迎接Daniel,這3星期Daniel和我跟我的家人朋友渡過聖誕節我的生日除夕倒數我們去了香港迪士尼看煙花,香港海洋公園,香港海旁看夜景。我跟Daniel在一起十個多月了,雖然我們是不同國家的人,我們很珍惜在一起的每一天.

在1月的時候我跟Daniel回到紐西蘭決定申請partnership visa,希望可以再一起生活,一起經歷更多一同成長。

回答 (5)

2014-02-12 7:20 pm
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In Oct 2012 during the apples harvesting season, I came to Motueka to work in an apple packaging plant.
I met Daniel in Mar 2013. We talked about our childhood, school lives and dreams. I introduced my friends to Daniel and he introduced his friends to me. We dated every weekend.
In April, I have decided go steady with Daniel. On 13 Apr 2013, we are committed our relationship as lovers.
In May, Daniel brought me home to see his parents.
In June, we took a two-week trip to the South Island of New Zealand. We departed from Motueka and first stopped at Christchurch. Then we watched the starry sky in Tekapo. We sky dived and enjoyed the snowy mountain sceneries at Queenstown. We returned to Motueka and lived together.
Between July and September, I worked at Talley’s and Daniel worked at Southwood. We woke up and go to work at the same time everyday. We came home every evening and together prepared the lunch box for the next day. During the weekends, we went to different places, such as the beach and skiing.
Before I came for the working holiday in New Zealand, I knew that my sister would get married in Oct 2013. Daniel also knew that I would return to Hong Kong to attend my sister’s wedding in Oct. He agreed to join me in Hong Kong in Dec for Christmas, to celebrate my birthday on 31 December, and to count down for the new year. After he farewell me at the Christchurch airport and I returned to Hong Kong, we used Facebook, Skype, Tango to talk and get connected every day.
On 10 December 2013, Daniel came to Hong Kong for three weeks. My parents and me welcomed him at the Hong Kong International Airport. During the 3-week stay, Daniel and my family visited the Hong Kong Disneyland, the Hong Kong Ocean Park, enjoyed the night view of the Hong Kong harbour front, celebrated Christmas, my birthday and New Year countdown. Daniel and I have been together for over 10 months. Even though we are from different countries, we cherish every day that we are together.
2014-02-13 5:26 pm
2014-02-13 5:14 pm

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2014-02-13 3:39 am
In October 2012 because of Apple season, I came to Motueka town packing apples.
In March, met Daniel, at that time we had been talking about campus life and the dream of everyone's childhood and had, I introduce you to my friend Daniel knew, he introduced his friend to me, and on all weekend we were dating.

Back in April, I decided to spend time with Daniel, and start our relationship on the 13April2013 day.

In May, when Daniel took me to meet his family.

Back in June, we went to a two-week tour of the South Island in New Zealand, starting from Motueka we set off, the first stop is the Christchurch, Tekapo a sky full of stars, in Queenstown play sky diving and see the beauty of snow-capped mountains, travel back to Motueka after the end of us lived in the same place.

In July-September, I work in a Talley's, Daniel as he works in South wood, every day we get up and brush your teeth with washing out together at the same time, home from work each day, lunch box of the cook preparing everyone to work with us during our weekend, we went to different places, going to the beach and skiing.

2014-02-12 19:40:54 補充:
In front of my working holiday in New Zealand and I know that my sister's getting married in October 2013, when Daniel also knew in October, I wanted to go back to Hong Kong to attend my sister's wedding,

2014-02-12 19:41:14 補充:
he promised me in December will come to Hong Kong to join me over Christmas and my birthday, 31December and countdown to the new year, he bid farewell to me, to Christchurch Airport. go back to Hong Kong every day I told Daniel can only rely on Facebook,Skype,Tango to meet and talk.

2014-02-12 19:41:49 補充:
10decmber2013 Daniel came to Hong Kong to find me, a 3-week trip in Hong Kong, the day I told my family to Hong Kong Airport Daniel, Daniel and these last 3 weeks, I spent Christmas with my family and friends to my birthday on new year's Eve Countdown,
參考: me, me, me
2014-02-13 2:40 am
In October 2012 because of Apple season, I came to Motueka town packing apples.
In March, met Daniel, at that time we had been talking, talk to everyone and former campus life and dreams of childhood, Daniel to meet me to introduce my friend, he introduced me to meet his friends, on all weekend we were dating.

In April when I decided to join Daniel, beginning our relationship in the 13April2013 that day.

In May, when Daniel took me to meet his family.

Back in June, we went to a two-week tour of the South Island in New Zealand, starting from Motueka we set off, the first stop is the Christchurch, Tekapo a sky full of stars, in Queenstown play sky diving and see the beauty of snow-capped mountains, travel back to Tuamotu after the end of us lived in the same place.

In July-September, I work in a Talley's, Daniel as he works in South wood, every day we get up and brush your teeth with washing out together at the same time, home from work each day, lunch box of the cook preparing everyone to work with us during our weekend, we went to different places, going to the beach and skiing.

In front of my working holiday in New Zealand and I know that my sister's getting married in October 2013, when Daniel also knew in October, I wanted to go back to Hong Kong to attend my sister's wedding, he promised me in December will come to Hong Kong to join me over Christmas and my birthday, 31December and countdown to the new year, he bid farewell to me, to Christchurch Airport. go back to Hong Kong every day I told Daniel can only rely on Facebook,Skype,Tango to meet and talk.

10 December 2013 Daniel came to Hong Kong to find me, a 3-week trip in Hong Kong, the day I told my family to Hong Kong Airport Daniel, Daniel and these last 3 weeks, I spent Christmas with my family and friends to my birthday on new year's Eve Countdown, we went to Hong Kong Disneyland Fireworks, Hong Kong Ocean Park, Hong Kong's waterfront at night.

2014-02-12 18:41:52 補充:
Me plus for months, with Daniel, even though we are from different countries, and we treasure every day together.

In January, I decided to apply for partnership visa told Daniel returned to New Zealand, I hope you can live with, grow more experienced.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:24:07
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