Besides money, what would be the best thing to bribe you with?

2014-02-12 4:25 am
In general.

回答 (9)

2014-02-12 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
2014-02-12 5:01 am
Stuffed animals or roses or jewelery
2014-02-12 4:35 am
2014-02-12 4:31 am
Real food. Definitely food.
2014-02-12 4:29 am
A double dutch lunch...
2014-02-12 4:29 am
2014-02-12 4:27 am
A place to stay and a car
2014-02-12 4:27 am
clothes.. shoes.
2014-02-12 4:27 am
Handbags and shoes...

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