如何在知識+ 我的檔案內加背景音樂?

2014-02-11 8:52 am
如何在知識+ 我的檔案內加背景音樂?

回答 (4)

2014-02-11 11:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
須等級夠才能選擇 "檢視原始碼", 加入 "語法" ,
語法請參考 ==>

* 建立隨意窩Xuite日誌要領
*隨意窩Xuite 面版樣式(CSS) 設定(問/答) *痞客邦 PIXNET 面版樣式(CSS) 設定(問/答)
**適用於多家部落格的 "免費網路空間" / 取得播放器MP3網址

* 試聽曲 ==>換頁不中斷!8個背景音樂盒部落格小玩意 "圖片輪播器語法貼紙"
部落格小玩意 "YouTube影音貼紙" -- 新修正
部落格語法 -- 如何在 "文章" 或 "自訂欄位" 插入 "超連結網址" 部落格小玩意 "影片播放器語法貼紙" -- 適用於多家blog
* 若您原來使用的是 "無名播放器",
請改用下列播放器, 以免將來失效 : 部落格語法 "(原無名播放器請改用此)MP3播放器" * 若要使用 "隨機/依序播多首的MP3播放器" : [原創]部落格小玩意 "可隨機/依序播多首的MP3播放器2語法貼紙" -- 使用playlist
部落格小玩意 "可隨機/依序播多首的MP3播放器1語法貼紙" -- 使用playlist
部落格小玩意 "可依序播多首的MP3播放器語法貼紙" -- 不使用playlist

部落格語法 "在自選圖片上貼播放器等flash小物的style語法"
部落格小玩意 "時鐘貼紙"
*一.關於部落格的問題;*二.有免費部落格服務的網站*Word Reader 6.24 免安裝 繁體/簡體/英文 等7國語言 portable (freeware) ** 有些網站(影片,網路ATM,網路下單,下拉式選項,認證碼,檔案下載頁)須使用 有 "IE 內核" 的瀏覽器才能正常顯示, 例如:IE , IETester, MYIE 等,
因此, 多數瀏覽器已提供 "安裝元件" 可以 "切換成IE模式", 例如 Firefox ==>

Firefox 27.0 免安裝 可加載 "虛擬磁碟" 狂奔!!介紹23個元件: 可上PTT/瀏覽快15%/轉址/HTML5/擋廣告/字典,網頁翻譯/IE模式/簡繁轉換/視頻,(blog)音頻下載/安全/時鐘/截圖/4倍速下載/... http://blog.xuite.net/tools241/blog/108046301
Google 會在 2015 年 4 月停止 Chrome 瀏覽器在XP的支援。
2014-02-12 5:35 am
2014-02-11 4:21 pm



1. 網站設計乃公開式,全人類均可開啟任何人我的知識頁翻閱,即亦可擅意改動你所設立之檔案或資料。

2. 音樂除非自創,全有版權限制,故不可任意於公眾地方播放,電腦虛擬境界亦不例外,如有此事,網站或有問題。



Checked through all pathways on that web page to no avail. You can post this special request to Yahoo Knowledge and express the idea.

However, I don't think they'll authorize due to the following reasons:

1. All info on the accounts in this forum are open to public. All pages and corners can be accessed anywhere, anytime. That means anyone can amend or fiddle with whatever files/info that you leave on. This defeats your purpose of making something personal on your account.

2. Unless the music is original, it's copyright protected. That means it's not allowed to be played or broad-casted in any way to the public. The forum could get into legal trouble for it.

Make a playlist on your PC and start it before you log onto Yahoo. That's what I'll do for entertainment.
參考: 個人觀感 、My point of view
2014-02-11 9:38 am
I want to know too
i think you shd should search for someone who has already got a music background in their profiles
you shd find ppl that ar experts
they usually have higher levels and may help u ;)

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