Will Mars ever be visible to the naked eye?

2014-02-10 10:46 pm
I'd like to see planet Mars visible to the naked eye. Like Venus and Jupiter. Can any astronomy expert tell me if Mars was already visible to the naked eye? When was that? And when will it again be visible to our naked eye? When will Mars be closest to Earth?

回答 (11)

2014-02-10 10:58 pm
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Here are a couple of links that will help you:



Mars will never be as bright as Jupiter or Venus. But you can definitely see it without a telescope or binoculars, and it will have a distinct, reddish tint which will confirm that you're looking at Mars, and not just a random star.
2014-02-10 10:49 pm
We will be at our nearest to Mars in 2014 in early April - and, yes - it'll be quite visible.
2014-02-10 10:51 pm
Mars is USUALLY visible to the naked eye, as are Saturn, Jupiter and Venus
2014-02-10 11:37 pm
Yes once our eyes evolve to see like telescopes. But I don't think that will happen until millions of years.
2016-09-26 2:26 pm
Mars Visible
2014-02-10 11:30 pm
Mars is almost always visible to the naked eye, it was one of the planets studied by ancient astronomers and they only had their eyes to observe the sky.

Right now Mars is rising in the east around midnight.
It will rise a little earlier each night until it rises with the sun at the beginning of April.
Then starting in May it will be visible setting in the west around sunset, setting later each night through the end of the year.

Mars will be at its closest this year in April, when it will be 0.618 AU (about 92 million kilometers).
2014-02-10 11:20 pm
Mars is visible to the naked eye almost every night at some time during the night from almost everywhere on earth.
2014-02-10 10:55 pm
Mars has always been visible to the naked eye.

It is currently in the constellation Virgo. If you download some software called Stellarium and enter your location you can quickly find Mars then you will know how to find it in the sky.

2014-02-10 10:53 pm
Mars is regularly visible from earth and it does look red.

Refer to EarthSky.org. Mars should be visible in the early morning sky in late February.

Right now you can see two-2 planets, tonite, Jupiter will be close to the moon, 2nd brightest thing in the sky (moon is 1st brightest). To see the other planet, look down (that's earth you see).

The best way to see what is in the sky is Google Sky, put it on your cellphone and be amazed.

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