Can you tell me whether a guy that started Baptist church bothered to ask Jesus if it was okay to do that?

2014-02-10 10:14 pm
Did he say anything about asking Jesus if it was okay to start a new denomination?

Also, before joining it, wouldn't people want to know if he had asked Jesus about that?

Same question goes for other denominations too.

Let's just make sure everything is on the up-and-up shall we?


回答 (6)

2014-02-10 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well since Jesus probably didn't exist, none of them actually exist on his authority
2014-02-10 10:19 pm
He didn't. People start denominations and legitimize them by attributing them to God.
2014-02-10 10:19 pm
Church is not a club you join with an initation.
Church is the result of your acceptance of Jesus not the other way around.

You mistake church as an organization with benefits like Costco membership.

One way you express your thanks to Jesus for his gift is going to church to be with other like minded people. You recharge your faith for when you go out into the real world. For the real world will drain your faith, try your patience and doubt your salvation. Church is your support group, your family, your friends.

Church is not Costco.
2014-02-10 10:17 pm
He didn't. You can't ask a guy, who died roughly 2000 years ago (if he ever actually existed) anything.
參考: .
2014-02-10 10:18 pm
The LDS church states that Jesus appeared before Joseph Smith and told him that all the worlds churches were wrong. So, the Baptist church is wrong. This fool just wants to make money off of weak minded people.
2014-02-10 10:15 pm
I asked both the Baptist and the Presbyterian guy and they both confirmed that Jesus approved their actions. You can check out the other denominations. Have a nice day.

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