改文呀..我英文真係好差.Help me!!!!plz

2014-02-11 7:52 am
Recently, the problem of teenage drug has been worsen. It is known that drug leading plenty of harms to health. As a part of society, we have responsibility to tackle this problem. Here, some information bellowing show you what drug truly are and why we have to far away from it.

Causes of teenage drug abuse
There are vary of reasons cause teenage drug abuse. First of all, teenagers face lots of pressures which may be come from academic result and relationship with parent. However, some of them misunderstood that drug enable them to relief pressures. Additionally, they underestimated the harm of drugs, most of them assumed that they can control themselves from drug addiction. As result, they get in touch with drugs to escape from all troubles in live.
On the other hand, Young people spend lots of time to get along with their peer and place importance on them. Therefore, they may easily be convinced by other peer to try drugs. This is also one of causes for teenage drug abuse.
Say no to drugs: Why and how
Using drugs for a long time is deeply harmful to helth and body organs such as liver and brain. Apart from physically effects, it possibly threats other people’s safe. It is because some drugs will trigger off illusion which may affect addict to do violent and dangerous behaviors as serious as hitting people. After knowing the destructive effects of drugs, you may be sure to think twice before trying drugs.
Cultivating good hobbies is one of ways to helps us keep away from drugs. Good hobbies including doing exercises, reading or learning instrument could make you feel relax and positive. Moreover, it is essential to develop good relationship with people surrounding you like friends, parents and teachers, because it make you get more channels to share your problems and worries. Furthermore, you should be insistent to refuse anyone who persuade you to try using drugs and far away from them without doubt.

回答 (3)

2014-02-11 1:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The problem of teenage drug usage had been deterioratedrecently. It is known that drug abuse will be detrimental to an individual’sphysical well-being. We haveresponsibility to tackle this problem for the society’s sake. The following aresome information to show you what drugs can damage one’s life and why we haveto stay away from it.Causes of teenage drug abuseThere are various reasons for teenager drug abuse problem.First of all, teenagers encounter tremendous amounts of stress which stems fromtheir academic pressure and relationship with parents. The teenagers have the misconception thatdrugs can help them to relieve pressure, and they underestimated theharmfulness of using drugs. Most of themthink that they have the ability to control themselves from being addicted todrugs, but unfortunately this is certainly a blunder they commit in theirlives.On the other hand, young people are more likely to try outdrugs because of the peer pressure. Thisis another cause of the teenager drug abuse problem.Say no to drugs: Why and howUsing drugs for a prolonged time is insalubrious to anindividual and can do real damage to their organs like the liver andbrain. Apart from that, it affects the individual’s mental health as well. The reason is because drug usage can causehallucinations which trigger off violent behavior of an individual. After learning the destructive effects ofdrugs, you should say no to drugs definitely.Developing good hobbies is one of the ways to help us stay awayfrom drugs. Exercising, reading, learning to play a musical instrument are someof the hobby examples to help one feel relaxed. Moreover, it is essential to develop goodrelationship with people surrounding you like friends, parents, and teachers. With a good command of interpersonalrelationship can help you to be able to access more channels for sharing yourissues and problems. Lastly, you should be firm to refuse whoever attempts to persuade you for usingdrugs.
2014-02-12 5:47 am
Asking people here to correct your mistakes wont help you a lot. You had better go through the basic grammar rules first.

I have uploaded some videos on basic grammar rules on Youtube. I hope you will find them helpful.


I dont have the time to point out all your mistakes and explain them to you. Let us just look at the first two sentences.

teenage drug = teenage 毒品 =/= teenage 吸食毒品
'has been worsen' is in present perfect tense passive voice = 被惡化
'that drug leading plenty of harms to health' is a 'that clause'. 'Drug' is the subject of this clause. 'leading' is not a verb. There is no verb in this clause.
'Drug' is a countable noun.
'Harm' is an uncountable noun.
2014-02-11 8:09 am
Recently, the problem of teenage drug has been worsen. It is known that drugs lead plenty of harms to people's health. As a part of the society, we all have the responsibility to tackle this problem hand in hand. Here are some information that will show you what drugs really are and why we need to stay far away from it.

Causes of teenage drug abuse
There is a variety of reasons that cause teenage drug abuse. First of all, teenagers face immense pressure which may be come from bad academic results and tense relationships with their parents. However, some of them misunderstand that drugs enable them to relieve their pressure. Additionally, they underestimate the harm of drugs, most of them assume that they can control themselves from drug addiction. As result, they get in touch with drugs to escape from all troubles in life.
On the other hand, Young people spend lots of time getting along with their peers and place importance on them. Therefore, they may easily be convinced by other peers to try drugs. This is also one of causes of teenage drug abuse.
Say no to drugs: Why and how
Using drugs for a long period of time is deeply harmful to our health and body organs such as the liver and brain. Apart from physical effects, it possibly threatens other people’s safety, too. It is because some drugs will trigger illusion which may affect the addict to behave violently and dangerously as serious as hitting people. After knowing the destructive effects of drugs, you may be sure to think twice before trying drugs.

2014-02-11 00:11:26 補充:
Cultivating good hobbies is one of the ways to help us keep away from drugs. Good hobbies include doing exercises, reading or learning to play instruments can make you feel relaxed and positive. Moreover, it is essential to develop good relationships with people surrounding you like friends, parents

2014-02-11 00:14:09 補充:
yahoo system 話我回答內容超字:( check your email account for the rest of the answers:)

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