Percentage revision

2014-02-11 4:28 am
A sum of $20000 is deposited in a bank at an interest rate of 8% per annum for 12 months ,compounded quarterly .Find the amount correct to the nearest dollar.

回答 (3)

2014-02-11 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Compound Interest

Amount = Principal × (1 + Rate/Freq)^(Freq × Time)

Principal = $20,000
Rate = 8% p.a.
Compounding frequency = 4 times per year
Time = 1 year

= $20,000 × ( 1 + 8%/4 )⁴
= $20,000 × ( 1 + 2% )⁴
= $20,000 × ( 1.02 )⁴
= $21,648.6432

2014-02-10 21:19:23 補充:
= $21,649 (correct to the nearest dollar)

2014-02-10 23:44:11 補充:
你要減番果堆我被人大量檢舉同埋發問者無理刪題果 217 題先岩數...

所以要下個月先可以升級(given that 無人再耍我~)

〔其實我應承左幾個人升左級先add佢地,佢地等左我好耐... =P 〕

除此之外,我係台灣版果邊同好多人都講過,而家知識+ 唔畀我改名,搞到我停滯左係度...


2014-02-11 00:01:16 補充:

2014-02-11 5:29 am
ke neng ta du zi er zi le!

2014-02-10 21:30:15 補充:
ka neng ya

2014-02-10 21:30:42 補充:
thank you ,,,,I never forget yr help! ;)

2014-02-10 23:52:00 補充:
oh what's a pity /.......\
gd luck in the future !

2014-02-11 01:41:44 補充:'s always gd if you know sth. by your logical thinking ....but is it possible that if I can tell the manager that if he can adjust the system to show all the reporters ' names and the reasons ...not always others for reasons
it's truly unacceptable ......

2014-02-11 01:43:42 補充:
I have been reported again and again for the same thing (my profile)!!!
I dunt think my profile has anything wrong...can't be anything hot,huh?
Hey yau chi lei!!! I hate those who are jabberwocky ....hmmm....
and well....the reported reasons are always others...others....others!!! :(:(:(

2014-02-11 01:43:57 補充:
I am totally furious!!! >:(

2014-02-11 01:45:18 補充:
If u were me,would u feel the same ?

2014-02-23 17:58:30 補充:
not replying :'( ha
2014-02-11 5:28 am


2014-02-10 21:53:14 補充:

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