英文"client" 同"customer"用法有什麼分別?

2014-02-10 11:02 pm
英文"client" 同"customer"用法有什麼分別?

回答 (2)

2014-02-10 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Client 和 Customer 也可解作 顧客。

但 Client 更貼切的意思是受託人。例如是一些顧問方面(如法律、會計等)的受託人。例如,對於醫生 (medical doctor) 來說,病人 (patient) 也是 client。比較上,對於 client 的照顧是相對長期和貼切一點的。

Customer 比較上是直接和短暫利益關係的,例如你進入超級市場購物,你就是 customer。

[我 highlight 了一些重點,你可以看看。]

The difference between a customer and a client can be rather confusing, and in some instances, both terms may be used to refer to any type of business patron. When a company has ongoing interaction with someone, that person tends to be referred to as a client rather than a customer. The term "client" tends to suggest the need for long-term care and consideration. There are also some industries in which one term is preferred over the other due to the typical way in which people do business.

Difference in Relationship

In general, the difference between a customer and a client is that a protective, ongoing business relationship is formed with a client, but not necessarily with a customer. For example, a customer might walk into a store one time, choose a few items, and make a purchase before leaving. A client, on the other hand, comes back repeatedly to make additional purchases and establishes a long-term relationship with a company. This difference can be subtle, but it is important since many businesses want to establish these long-term associations.

Companies that Make Distinctions

The distinction between these two types of patrons can be vital for some companies. In real estate, for example, the difference between a customer and a client can be quite important. A customer is typically someone using a real estate agent to help oversee the buying or selling of a house, but the agent does not act directly on his or her behalf. In contrast, a client allows a real estate agent to represent him or her and expects all information known by the agent to be used for his or her benefit.

2014-02-12 15:32:33 補充:
Thank you very much for your input, Godfrey.

2014-02-12 1:47 pm
Client - anyone under the protection of another; a dependent. ~ 某些美國字典
- (私人醫生的)病人; 委託人 ~ 英漢字典
當病人是客戶, 顧客, “大客仔”, 講錢

英國 Oxford, Longman 字典裡是沒有上述的 definition
在英國, 加拿大, 醫生和老師是神聖的職業
當地醫生很忌說他們的 patients 是 clients

2014-02-12 05:50:18 補充:
A customer is someone who buys something, especially from a shop.

A client is a person or company that receives a service from a professional person or organization (e.g. solicitor, accountant, architect) in return for payment.
專業人士知道 client 個人資料 (姓名, 住址, 電話, 有關資料)

2014-02-13 03:24:00 補充:
CLIENTis a word that makes the recipient of the service feel respected as it stresses the individual relationship.
This term “client” is used by social workers to stress the professional nature of their relationship to give dignity to the people they are helping.

2014-02-13 03:27:03 補充:
Hairstylists also like to use this term. The woman is blissfully happy and feels beautiful when her hair looks good. The goal for both sides is a long-lasting and healthy relationship between the stylist and client that lasts for years.

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