Are Virgo women hard-work?

2014-02-09 5:24 pm
Are Virgo women known to be hard-work? For example, is it typical Virgo behaviour to play mind-games, ignore u for no reason, enjoy a bit of drama, let the world know their problems etc?

I thought I was getting along nicely with a Virgo, feelings were growing stronger, flirty msg's etc, and I thought she was awesome! but then outta nowhere she just decided to stop and now its like it never happened.(I get the feeling she wants confrontation) She also does all the above stuff and im starting to think maybe I cant be bothered to keep up with it.

can anyone enlighten me on a virgo's characteristics?

Im an exhausted Taurus. x

回答 (7)

2014-02-09 6:49 pm
Virgos are too stiff... they don't understand how to have fun
參考: aries avoiding virgos at all cost
2014-02-09 6:15 pm
Sounds just like my daughter who is virgo and they let nothing bother them, we argue all the time when I visit her and clash like sisters, I am sagittarius.
參考: Mum & Grandma
2014-02-09 5:24 pm
2014-02-09 6:58 pm
You described Virgo women to the "T"
參考: Sun Sag/Moon Aqua/Rising Gemini
2014-02-09 5:57 pm
yes lol.. But ironically
your moon is probably in virgo
2014-02-09 7:07 pm
Yes. My little sister is Virgo. I know her really well. She always ignores me for no reason, she is super lazy and never cleans. She is in her own world. She practically ignores my whole family for no good reason.
2014-02-09 5:25 pm
I thought you said hard working not hard work. Yes they are hardworking. My sister in law is a Virgo. ...But only the virgos who are not grown yet or immature act like this. I used to be friends with virgos and I have a younger cousin who is a virgo who is rude to her mom her sisters and anyone in the family. So it has to do with age and maturity.

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