急! 英文文法! 20點!!

2014-02-10 3:47 am
我想知present perfect tense,present tense同past tense有咩分別
holiday has ended?
holiday was ended?
holiday has been ended?
holiday was already the end?
i have lost myself?
而唔係,i lose myself?
仲有點解係we cannot bring time back once it has passed,
點解呢到要用present perfect tense 唔係用 simple past 同 simple present?

回答 (2)

2014-02-10 2:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 假期已經結束
My holiday has ended up.
My holiday has already been ended.
2) 我迷失了自己
I am getting lost.
3) We cannot bring time back once it has passed,
參考: 自己
2014-02-10 5:35 pm
Present perfect tense 和 Simple past tense 同樣用來敘述已經發生的事。
有時間提及,多數用Simple past tense, 例如: Tom died last year. Tom 去年死了。
沒有時間提及,多數用Present perfect tense 例如: Tom has died, Tom已經死了。
Present perfect tense 還有其他用途,可以参考其他綱頁。

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