Do Pisces Moon Men act feminine?

2014-02-09 1:38 am

回答 (4)

2014-02-09 4:53 am
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No, I wouldn't like to get a manicure, wtf? I do hide my sensitivity yeah (lifes easier that way, plus SATURN conjunction) but Pisces aren't into false beauty. We are into genuine, natural beauty. That's why nature aka the environment moves us. I definitely don't act like a girl, lol. If I feel sympathy for someone I just comfort them is all.
參考: Pisces Moon
2014-02-09 1:44 am
well "Infinite" is a Pisces moon and very feminine

but she's a girl
2014-02-09 2:14 am
pisces under an emotional planet, which is the moon, tend to have whiny behaviors. i guess because of the sensitivity of the pisces. they are so fragile emotionally... like a flower
2014-02-09 4:26 am
Yes they do. Its a feminine position for the moon. They are really close to their mothers.That's the kind of guy who would love to get a pedi and mani with his girlfriend, but won't because they tent to act tough. But its just a facade to really hide their sensitive side.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:21:44
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