Do you find it funny that teenage girls post their entire lives on FB and...?

2014-02-07 9:32 pm
Then whenever they get called out for something they use the classic, "***** you don't know me" defense?

What is the deal with that?

Can I get an amen?

I mean. Since your entire life is on facebook, I am pretty sure I do know you. Probably better than you know yourself.

回答 (4)

2014-02-07 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
amen to that. typical ignorant response, cracks me up. children being children, nothing more.
2014-02-08 5:35 am
that's the product of rise of convenience, the majority becomes more stupid, while the minorities, keep improving
2014-02-08 5:32 am
2014-02-08 5:37 am
Its not funny ITS HULARIOUS!! No idea

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