Why do I need a Tax I.D. number to attend the National Restaurant Association Show?

2014-02-07 5:16 pm
I have been attending the National Restaurant Association Show for the past 5 years in Chicago.Now that I want to sign up to attend this years show I need a Tax I.D. number. What's up with that? Beforehand, I did not have one while I would sign up. Has anyone else found this weird? What are your thoughts on this? Are you having the same problems?

回答 (2)

2014-02-11 2:15 pm
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Just identification purposes.
2014-02-08 1:53 am
your tax ID number identifies the restaurant you work at.
It might be a way for them to weed out the attendees that don't even work at a restaurant and are there to sample snacks or gawk.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:29:52
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