
2014-02-08 12:00 am
問之前我都睇過唔少資料 但始終唔夠掌握
我依家讀緊band1頭既EMI school 中五 17歲
文科elective geog tourism 同中史
雖然自己中學有好高入u率 但文科普遍入u率低
而且我對考dse冇乜信心 所以想透過讀美國CC 然後transfer
原因係cc平d 對屋企負擔少(中產家庭) 同埋易入啲
自己本身英文唔錯 grammar 作文幾好 只係講方面比較弱
有聽開西洋音樂 但對美國文化好唔熟悉
其實我幾迷茫 唔知係咪真係想去 但礙於香港升學發展有限
自己希望向藝術方面發展 想讀音樂 創作方面既科目
或者修SocSic (社會學/心理學) 呢兩科係香港收得好高分

1)要揀邊類型既CC先適合我? 有冇例子? (東岸/西岸)

2)依住band 1 emi school 先天條件, 學野會唔會快啲定所有野都會重新黎過?



4)Boarding school/ host family自由會唔會好細?





回答 (2)

2014-02-08 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. There are only 2 types - public and private.

2. Interestingly - you will learn faster than typical students. The reason is not related to you as a Band 1 student, but as a Arts student.

3. No - due to system difference, your chance in admitting into a regular university is not high in nature.

Another 3. No comment as it depends on where you choose.

4. Definitely yes. In some cases, worse than your home.

5. Impossible. In the past, Form 5 is considered high school graduation. Under NSS, Form 6 is now high school graduation.

You need to graduate from high school for community college admission.

6. Possible. But the U.S. system is better designed than Hong Kong. So if this is the case, you need to hold the responsibility (as your result has to be poor enough for that happen).

7. USD$40,000 total cost per year in average.

8. You need to have a backup plan. I don't think typical parents will allow children studying in Music. In that case, you may need to make plans, such as double major in psychology and music as concession.
2014-02-10 10:19 pm
First of all, I think you should go to Canada instead of U.S.A., since normal Universities has a higher standard comparing to U.S., and all Universities in Canada are public, so, it is cheaper than those one in U.S. (Talking about those famous one)

Even you studies Arts Program, you can still continue studies Arts, take HKDSE, and get into a university in Canada, and take some art programs, and graduate with an art degree.

When comparing to other programs with HKDSE, it is easier to get into the art program with the certain result. At the top university in Canada- University of Toronto, here is the admissions requirement for art and social science:

Admission Requirements:

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
The completed diploma, including at least 2 elective subjects from Categories A and/or C. Subjects should include prerequisites for intended programs. No transfer credit will be awarded.

Mathematics Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) or Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) is required for programs with the Calculus prerequisite.

Then, in terms of tuition fees, it is similar to U.S. , roughly around $25000-30000 (CAD) = $20000 - 25000 (USD) per year

English will not be a big problem, since they got a lot of support to int students.

For other details about studying in Canada, you can check other questions I have answered.
參考: Personal Experience(Current Student at University of Toronto)

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