Chem (effervescence)

2014-02-07 8:39 am
The term "effervescence" is used to described what. ?
1. situation that gases form vigorously only?

2.form of carbon dioxide only?

Just tell me briefly what situation should it be used to described.

回答 (3)

2014-02-07 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
If it is only an M.C. question, the answer is 1.

In chemistry , the term "effervescence" (泡騰) means a lot of bubbles are rapidly formed in a solution or in aliquid.
參考: 胡雪
2014-02-07 7:30 pm
"effervescence" 沒有 "boil" 的意思!

2014-02-07 11:31:15 補充:
In simple terms, it is the result of the chemical reaction occurring in the liquid which produces a gaseous product.

(G. Liger-Belair et al., "Study of Effervescence in a Glass of Champagne", Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 50:3 (1999) 317–323)
2014-02-07 8:52 am
答案是 1. situation that gases form vigorously only?

此字有 boil 的意思,強烈地放出氣體,但不必一定為 carbon dioxide。

2014-02-07 00:54:44 補充:


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