Hindi translation-help needed!!?

2014-02-06 8:37 am
Could you translate this Hindi sentence for me?

Wo to ek choti si Bhaat pe yun rooth ke chal diye...jaise unhe sadiyo se kisi bahane ki thalaash thi

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2014-02-06 11:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
"They so got upset on a trivial matter and walked away...as if they were searching for an excuse since ages."

I have used plural 'they' for 'woh'/'unhe'...as this is honorific term for 'she/he', as used in the sentence!

chhoti si baat = trivial matter

yun = so

rooth ke = got upset/mad

chal diye = walked away/left

jaise = like/as if

sadiyo = centuries/ages

kisi = some

bahana = excuse

talaash thhi =were searching/looking for

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