ENG Book Report x2{S1}

2014-02-07 2:59 am
Read two story books
Write a SHORT book report
Write a LONG book report of 300 words
Book Title
Number of pages[must more than 100]
Did the book have picture? SOME/A LOT/NOT MANY
What kind of book was it?
Tell the story in your own word.
Who are the most importanr people in the story?Describe them briefly
Who did you like best in story and why?
Is there anyone you didn't like(in the stort)?Say why.
Which part of the story did you like the best?Say why.
Which part of the story did you like the least?Say why.
NOW you write a few sentences about WHY you liked the book.

回答 (2)

2014-02-11 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Title: Harry Potter
Author: JK Rowling
Publisher: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 0747595836
Total no.of pages: 608

The story is about Harry Potter, a young wizard who had once escaped death when he was a baby. Harry Potter studied in a wizard's school named, Hogswart. In Deathly Hollows, he finally graduated. Now, he has to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes in order to stop the evil wizard's attempt to destroy the world. In the end, he overcame many difficulties with the help of his two best friends, Hermione and Ron, and defeated Voldemort and saved the 'muggles' who was hated by Voldemort.

I like the protagonist, Harry, the most. I like him because he was brave and loyal to his friends. In order to save his beloved friends, he's willing to risk his own life to defeat Voldemort. I really admire his loyalty to his friends. Even during the darkest times, his loyalty never wavered. And he insisted on priotizing his friends above everthing, I liked this the most among all of Harry's good points.


Title: Magic Tree House High Tide in Hawaii
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Number of pages: 73

High Tide in Hawaii, by Mary Pope Osborne, is a fantastic story that takes place in Hawaii. This fascinating book is about two adventurous children, Jack and Annie, who come from Frog Creek in Pennsylvania, try to find the last special magic to become Magicians of Everyday Magic.

I thoroughly recommend this book. Readers will have an enjoyable time reading this masterpiece as they are kept in amazement until the end of the book. Furthermore, students, parents and teachers also love this excellent book.

I have learnt....
1. We have to treasure our friends.
2. Disasters may happen unexpectedly.
3. We should trust ourselves and others.
4. We should also solve the problems but not to escape them.
5. At last, we have to be confident so that we can solve the problems effectively.
2016-07-07 12:15 pm
More please ! I need four !

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