F.4 physics force-time graph

2014-02-05 6:31 pm
請問force-time graph 嗰條直/曲線同面積所表達嘅意思係咩?

例如velocity-time graph:
直線=uniform velocity
斜線=uniform acceleration

其餘唔太清楚,請解答,thank you!

回答 (1)

2014-02-05 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In a force-time graph:

slope = rate of change of force
hence, a horizontal straight line ==> constant force
straight line with +ve slope ==> force increases linearly with time
straight line with -ve slope ==> force decreases linearly with time

area under force-time curve = impulse (i.e. force x time)
Because impulse = change of momentum
the area thus also represents the change of momentum of an object under which the force acts.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:57:58
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