
2014-02-06 3:12 am
如標題:碳膜電阻主體長度約1公分,請問是幾瓦的? 如能告知其他長度的瓦特數更好,3Q!

回答 (2)

2014-02-06 5:02 am
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The above is a picture of a 4-band 1/4w carbon film resistor. These are the most commonly used in electronic circuits due to their low cost and versatility. They come in 1/4w, 1/2w and 1w. You can tell the difference in power handling by the physical size of the package. A 1/4w resistor 7mm long by 2mm diameter, a 1/2w is about 9mm long by 3mm diameter and a 1w is 11mm long and 4mm in diameter. They usually have a tolerance of 5%.

可能是 0.5 瓦 ( 9mm )

可能是 1 瓦 ( 11mm )
2014-02-27 10:11 pm

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