英文文法問題~! Thx~

2014-02-03 6:02 am
1.Important mainly because of the words in this message.
成句意思係? mainly 形容Important 定係because of?

2............,while efficiently and selectively identify and attract good new customers.

3.The only reason I'm telling you is that don't know if anyone else ever has.


回答 (1)

2014-02-03 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 原則上呢條無答案(因為句子唔完整),我就當成句係 "This is important mainly because of the words in this message."
"mainly because of..." 係一舊野,所以mainly係講緊"because of...",假如mainly講important,句子解唔通。

2. 呢句有問題。"while"後面固然可以跟gerund(-ing),問題如果照上面句句子,
一. 無subject (while I eff... identify and attract/ it eff... identifIES and attractS/ etc.) 二. 唔想出subject,可以用gerund,問題呢度都僚 (while eff... identifyING)

3. 成句錯。that後面係一個新句子,要有subject,呢到無。
that係呢到(HERE ONLY!!) 係一個名詞子句嘅起點 (subordinating conjunction),不過您唔係專讀Grammar唔駛理,記住佢係一個連接詞就得架啦。幾時落就... 睇多d英文書,您就會知邊度落/唔落 成句睇/讀起會順d。

4. I love (V1) swimming (V2), sleeping (V3) and swimming (V4).
一個句子只有一個正動詞 (main verb),之後嘅動詞要全部轉做 to-infinitive (to do), base form (do) or gerund (doing),咁假如您所有想講嘅野都係跟個love嚟轉,咁comma 後面都係-ing.

或者您可能指呢一款野:Hearing someone screaming, I got out of my bed.
呢d -ing係present participles,講原因,時間。
原因:Being unwell, I took a day off. (= Because I was unwell, I took a day off.)
時間:She hurt her legs playing baseball. (= While playing baseball, she hurt her legs.)
He stood there waiting for her girl-friend. (= He stood there and waited for her girl-friend.)
Hearing someone screaming, I got out of my bed. (= After I heard someone screaming, I got out of my bed.)
HAVING CHECKED my homework, I handed it in. (= After I had checked my homework, I handed it in.)
呢d -ing唔一定要係逗號後面。

2014-02-03 03:22:29 補充:
不過(1) 其實唔駛成句都知mainly一定係講because of,因為講important係解唔通.
參考: all by myself

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