bronze medal與bronze award的分別

2014-02-02 7:40 pm
如果我係個活動入面拎到bronze award的證書.咁我可吾可以把佢放入2 nd runner up/ bronze medal呢個範疇?定我要放係other award?

回答 (3)

2014-02-02 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1) Gold, Silver and bronze medals are awarded in a competition such as a sports meet in which people compete with each other individually or as a team. In such case, the medals are given to the winner, first runner-up and second runner-up. These medals may also be termed gold, silver and bronze awards.
(2) However in some award schemes, participants do not compete with other people such as in the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly Duke of Edinburgh's Award), but have to attain and fulfill certain requirements individually in order to achieve the award. In such cases, we do not equate the gold, silver and bronze awards to winner, first runner-up and second runner-up as there is not an element as having to beat other people.

If you have received a certificate in bronze award as in (2) above, put it in the category of "other award".

2014-02-02 12:44:26 補充:
如果是參加和其它人比賽而得的bronze award,可以等同bronze medal/2nd runner up季軍。
若是參加Award Scheme獎勵計劃,例如香港青年獎勵計劃,個人是達到要求的水準而獲得bronze award獎項,就不是bronze medal/2nd runner up季軍了,可當作other award。
2014-02-03 12:47 am
我以前都有玩AYP ga~

 新年進步 萬事勝意
 龍馬精神 身體健康
 鵬程萬里 馬到功成
 一團和氣 如意吉祥


2014-02-02 16:50:19 補充:

意I思A 講得岩, 2nd runner-up 只適用於比賽的第三名。

除 AYP 之外,社署頒發的義工服務狀都有分金、銀、銅三級,視乎時數。
這類並非比賽的第一、二、三名,故不應用 runner-up 等字眼。
2014-02-02 11:11 pm
2nd runner up also can

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