(20分)BAFS error 高手請進plz!!!

2014-02-01 6:44 am
1.A machine which was fully depreciated at 31 December 2012 was sold on 31
December 2013 for cash $840. No entries had been made for the disposal of
the machine.The cost of machine was $100000. Depreciation for machine was
provided at 15% on the cost of the equipment for 2013.

Disposal我識入, Dr accumulated dep-machine 100000
Dr cash 840
Cr machine 100000
Cr P/L-Gain on disposal 840

但點解要補番呢組entry: Dr accumulated dep-machine 15000
Cr P/L-depreciation 15000

吾係2012巳經 fully depreciated哂咩?点解仲要入下面entry?

佢又知2012個dep未入?就算補做,吾係Dr P/L-dep Cr acc.dep咩?點解係Dr acc.dep Cr P/L-dep,咁個dep未細左lor? 又話補做?


trial balance failed to agree at 31 December 2010:

A credit sale of office equipment for $6200 had been recorded in the sales day book.The office equipment was acquired for $12000 on 1 July 2007.Depreciation was charged in the year of purchase,while no depreciaton was charged in the year of disposal.

同上,佢做完disposal之後,有補番一組entry: Dr Acc.dep
Cr P/L-dep


回應以下回答, But the Q2 ans is: 佢做完disposal之後,有補番一組entry: Dr Acc.dep 2400 Cr P/L-dep 2400 ans 話係 depreciation overcharged Why depreciation overcharged $2400?


The trial balance failed to agree at 31/12/2010: A credit sale of office equipment for $6200 had been recorded in the sales day book.The office equipment was acquired for $12000 on 1/7/2007.Depreciation was charged in the year of purchase,while no depreciaton was charged in the year of disposal.


得以上資料,冇其他資料了- - Ans: Dr P/L-sales 6200 Cr O.E disposal 6200 Dr O.E disposal 12000 Cr O.E 12000


Dr acc.dep:O.E 7200 Cr O.E disposal(12000x20%x3) 7200 Dr O.E disposal 1400 Cr P/L-Profit on disposal 1400 仲有組entry: Dr acc.dep:O.E 2400 Cr P/L-Depreciation 2400


仲有組entry: Dr acc.dep:O.E 2400 Cr P/L-Depreciation 2400 The narration is depreciation overcharged All ans here now.Help me PLZ.Thx u very much.


Any information given on: - Date of disposal(not mentioned)(acquire for $12000 on 1 July 2007) - Estimated useful life(not mentioned) - Depreciation method(straight line method) - Depreciation rate(20% per year)


Really thank you very much!!!


Re: - the above Journal Entries - the calculation of the depreciation expense 7,200 - the profit on disposal 1,400 - the supposedly depreciation overcharged amount 2,400 Are these amounts given to you or you actually work them out? They are the ans from book.


Ans from book: Dr P/L-sales 6200 Cr O.E disposal 6200 Dr O.E disposal 12000 Cr O.E 12000 Dr acc.dep:O.E 7200 Cr O.E disposal(12000x20%x3) 7200


Dr O.E disposal 1400 Cr P/L-Profit on disposal 1400 Dr acc.dep:O.E 2400 Cr P/L-Depreciation 2400 That is all.


But the narration of the ans is: Depreciation overcharged on office equipment that was sold during the year. Not the Depreciation overcharged in the year of 2007.


That i dont know why the ans know that depreciation have recorded at 2010 and need to minus it for the above addidtional entry of:Dr acc.dep: O.E 2400 Cr P/L-Depreciation 2400.

回答 (1)

2014-02-01 10:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
The transactions:
Dr. Accumulated Deprec. - Machine 15,000
Cr. P/L - Depreciation 15,000

This is a reversing entry to correct an error.

What and where is the error ? See this.
- The machine was fully depreciated at 31 December 2012
- The machine was sold on 31 December 2013

- Depreciation was provided at 15% on the cost of the equipment for 2013

- was provided: means depreciation was already recorded/posted onto
the books for year 2013 while there was no need (this is where the
actual error lies).

The Office Equipment was purchased on 1 July 2007.
Depreciation was charged in the year of purchase, while no depreciation
was charged in the year of disposal.

- In this case, for Year 2007, Depreciation should be pro-rated for 6 months
only. i.e. July 1, 2007 to Dec 31, 2007.

- Matching principle
A systematic and rational allocation method is used.
Depreciation expense is allocated among the periods in which the
equipment generates revenue.

- The same logic goes for disposal of assets.



2014-02-02 03:07:58 補充:
Any information given on:
- Date of disposal
- Estimated useful life
- Depreciation method
- Depreciation rate

2014-02-03 04:43:13 補充:
- the above Journal Entries
- the calculation of the depreciation expense 7,200
- the profit on disposal 1,400
- the supposedly depreciation overcharged amount 2,400

Are these amounts given to you or you actually work them out?

2014-02-05 03:52:40 補充:
Basing on the data provided:
- Depreciation overcharged should show as: 1,200 (half a year), not 2,400 (one year)
overcharged period: Jan 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007

- Date/month of disposal: unknown
no depreciation was charged in the year of disposal (given): assume acceptable

2014-02-05 04:02:55 補充:
- up to the month of disposal, total deprec. charged should have been: 6,000
(for 2 1/2 years), not 7,200 (3 years)

- the correct Net Book Value at the time of disposal should show: 6,000
(not 4,800)

- the correct Gain on Disposal should have been: 200 (not 1,400)

2014-02-05 04:06:41 補充:
Do you remember the given Journal Entries:

Dr acc. Deprec. O.E. 2,400
Cr P/L - Deprec. 2,400

The naration is depreciation overcharged.

***** We let this STAND.

We are going to put through some Journal Entries to adjust the Book
to show the correct amounts:

2014-02-05 04:16:07 補充:
Dr P/L - Deprec Expense 1,200
Cr Accum Deprec - Equip 1,200

To put through again half a year Deprec Expense
(Original JE given shows OVERCHARGED as 2,400)

2014-02-05 04:18:07 補充:
Dr O.E. Disposal 1,200
Cr Accum Deprec - Equip 1,200

Accum Deprec close to O.E. Disposal

2014-02-05 04:20:17 補充:
Dr P/L - Gain on Disposal 1,400
Cr O.E. Disposal 1,400

Reverse the original amount Gain on Disposal

2014-02-05 04:21:39 補充:
Dr O.E. Disposal 200
Cr P/L - Gain on Disposal 200

Record the correct amount of Gain on Disposal

2014-02-05 04:35:04 補充:
We usually record the credit sales of Fixed Assets as:

Dr A/R (or A/R - Others)
Cr O.E. Disposal

Recording credit sale of office equipment in the sales day book is
not quite usual in the real world. We don't want to mix this up
with the trading goods transactions.
(I hope you don't mind.)

2014-02-06 02:31:38 補充:
The available information show:

- The JE to reverse depreciation overcharged: exist

- The apparent Journal Entries to record depreciation expense
for Year 2010 : does NOT EXIST

- The reverse JE does not make sense

2014-02-06 02:56:00 補充:
The narration said:
- Deprec. overcharged on office equipment that was sold during the year.

- It means: (1) Office equipment was sold during the year.
(2) Deprec. was overcharged

- It does not refer to any specific year deprec was being overcharged.

2014-02-06 03:18:54 補充:
Data show:

- Deprec. was being overcharged for 6 months (1,200)
from Jan 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007

- Question like this expects students to discuss on Accounting Principle,
Depreciation Method and allocation policies applied. (refer to the ans.)
Accuracies on computation is secondary.

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