
2014-01-31 7:43 pm

回答 (3)

2014-01-31 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
nothing at all
it depends what ingredients have u put in the congee ,like if you put meat.you consume carbohydrates
when you put vegetables,you consume dietry fibres ........
And for the same thing ,it depends on what ingredients have you put in the 腸粉,
I can tell you that malnutrition can lead to a lot of diseases
and especially deficiency diseases
most commonly anorexia nervosa(a kind of mental disesase promoted by malnutrition)
scurvy(deficiency of vitamin C),kwashiorkor (deficiency of protein),rickets and bone fractures(lack of vitamin D)
and also night blindness(lack of bitamin A)
constipation(lack of roughage)
2014-04-28 8:14 am
關於 半島鐵盒茶餐廳
他的蘿蔔糕真的好吃 04-2320-2583 台中市南屯區大墩十二街157號
2014-01-31 9:36 pm
碳水化合物, 最基本能量來源
營養不良會引起太多不同疾病了, 長期營養不良會短命

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