
2014-01-31 1:48 am


其中有一些字我聽不懂 想請大家幫忙

0.18秒 開始 以下是我自己聽到的 需要大大們的糾正和幫忙聽出字 謝謝

芮: I just came bac from Washington D.C where I covered the first, strategic and
economic dialouge between US and China, the very first time, the Obama
administrations, and four cabinet members having_____, and comprehensive
negotiations and talks with their ______.
All_________..President Obama and Secretary Gartner and Secretary Clinton
_____________, _____respect and willingness to get to know China and to work
with China is unprecedented in this US administration and.. I with them, and
the impression I got is that US-China relations is much more that just money,
____we are focusing on two issues previously, the appreciation of chinese
currency and indeed right now, the safety, on chinese net access and__
US dollars, but, in reality, US-China relations is much important than just
our currencies, we, each other________all international issues, US and China
the________________________________________and new world order,
particularly the G20 ceremony,so __________ is that, we should not focus on
____________between our trade relations, trade-economic relations_________
_____which is __________________________________really well

US and China the largest developing countryin the whole world and the largest developed country in the whole world and alot at stake_and a lot in common_in the new world order, 不好意思 想請教Ben 特別是以上這兩句話是什麼意思啊 為甚麼它要把一模一樣的句子講兩次(the largest developing countryin the whole world) 謝謝


Ben 大師 這是我大概翻譯的 想請您糾正一下 我剛從華盛頓回來,報導了美國和中國之間的第一次策略性經濟的對話,這也是首次奧巴馬政府裡的四位內閣成員和中國同行舉行會談有著相關的方針和全面性的協商。 所有的人都非常受到鼓舞因為奧巴馬總統,財政部長蓋納,克林頓國務卿都在開幕式上使用中國式的俗諺所以在這屆美國政府所釋出的敬意和意願去了解中國,並與中國合作的誠意是空前的。


我與他們互動時所得到的印象是美國與中國的關係不僅僅在金錢,以前媒體似乎把重點放在兩個問題上,一個是在中國的貨幣上,也就是人民幣的升值,還有一個就是現在中國資產的安全和美元的形式,但在現實中,美國與中國的關係還有比貨幣更重要的,那就是我們需要彼此的支持在所有的國際問題上,美國和中國在整個世界上是最大的發展中國家和最發達的國家,在新世界秩序,會有很多利弊(at stake),也有許多共同點,特別是在G20的架構下。 所以這是為甚麼很多人說,我們不應該專注於一兩個棘手的問題,……(接下來不太會翻譯)

回答 (3)

2014-01-31 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I justcame back from Washington D.C where I covered the first, strategic andeconomic dialouge between US and China , the very first time, theObama administrations, andfour cabinet members having orientation. and comprehensive negotiationsand talks with their Chinese counterparts..
All were veryencouraging both.President Obama andSecretary Gartner and Secretary Clinton used Chinese idioms atthe opening ceremony so the amount of respect and willingness to get toknow China and to workwith China is unprecedentedin this US administration and.. I interacted with them, and the impression Igot is that US-China relations is much more that just money, Themedia seems to be focusing on two issues previously, the appreciation ofchinese currency RMB andindeed right now, the safety, of chinese net access assetsand the form of US dollars, but, in reality, US-China relations is muchimportant than just our currencies. We need each other’s support onall international issues, US and China the_largest developing countryin the whole world and the largest developed country in the whole world and alot at stake_and a lot in common_in the new world order, particularly in the G20 ceremonyframework,so a lot of us say that, we should not focus on oneor two thorny issues, lots ofthorny issues between our traderelations, trade-economic relations but focusing on a big picture whichis we have eveyrthing to gain and everthing to lose, which is not worktogether_really well.

2014-01-30 18:39:40 補充:
1. all were encouraging
2. a lot of us say that
3. lots of thorny issues
4. which is not work together.

2014-01-30 22:05:39 補充:
2014-01-31 5:44 am
Jim 謝謝你的補充
另外 呵呵其實這個人在中國 支持他跟討厭他的人兩極 人數都很多
這個主播三十而立時 因為他英文好,他在2005被耶魯校長親自提名
而他採訪的國際政要,經濟學家名人超過三百位,包括柯林頓總統,Bill Gate

呵呵 你覺得他的口音值得學嗎 很多人說他有美國腔
如果對一個想學美國口音的人來說 謝謝拉
2014-01-31 5:24 am
developing (開發中)與developed(已開發)國家正好反應兩個不同的國家,中國(developing),美國(developed).

2014-01-30 21:36:14 補充:
1) All looked very encouraging.
2)What I want to say is that...
3)one or two thorny issues, or not so thorny issues.
4)if we choose not to work together....

2014-01-30 21:38:00 補充:

2014-01-30 22:51:48 補充:
其實我本來想說他的腔調是不錯,可是要說是美國腔還差一截,他的中國腔是有一些,像counterparts,還有Tim Geithner的名字他都發錯音.不過英文非我們的母語,有腔調跟本就是理所當然的,重要的是你有沒有學者的謙懷才是重要的,他的傲慢與霸氣正好在美國的社會在一開始時很受用,到底在美國崇尚的是"表現自我",但若持續下去,連美國這種很能包容的社會也會對他的傲慢皺眉頭的.這只是我個人愚見,若您對他有好感,我很抱歉.

2014-01-30 22:54:14 補充:

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