請教英句(文法+意義)問題~~~~ 謝謝各位!!

2014-01-31 2:57 am
1. I think there's some kind of money business going on in that house across the street. people going in and out all day long.

(1.)那個 in that 不是 <因為> 嗎?(怪怪的)

(2.)那個long 是強調?

2.Pumpkin, I hear that some of the students at your school are fooling around with drugs. But I hope, you woman, that you stick to you guns and keep saying no!!

(1.) fooling around with drugs.是何意?

(2)you woman 是指誰?

(3)drugs 毒品 動詞不是只能用 do 嗎

因為我查到的 fool around 是 胡搞 婚外情 遊手好閒 的意思?


information about countries, rivers,mountains,cities,oceans,and so on. 請問上面的so on是何意?

回答 (4)

2014-01-31 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I think there's some kind of money business going on in that house across the street. people going in and out all day long.

(1.)那個 in that 不是 <因為> 嗎?(怪怪的)
不會呀! 原來是in the house,這邊強調那間房子,所以說that house
in that house就是指在那邊房子裡

(2.)那個long 是強調?
all day long就是一整天的意思。

2.Pumpkin, I hear that some of the students at your school are fooling around with drugs. But I hope, you woman, that you stick to you guns and keep saying no!!

(1.) fooling around with drugs.是何意?

(2)you woman 是指誰?
你們女生的意思。表示說話的人是男生,他說 你們女生呀......

(3)drugs 毒品 動詞不是只能用 do 嗎
do drugs & take drugs都可以。

2014-01-30 22:08:03 補充:
I don't get it.
What does it mean?

2014-01-31 09:57:35 補充:
oh. Now I got it.
You refer to the person who posed the question, not me.

2014-01-31 16:01:32 補充:
fool around就是你說的那些意思

所以這邊翻成比較負面就是 搞用藥 搞吸毒 這類的意思

2014-02-02 11:02:45 補充:
information about countries, rivers,mountains,cities,oceans,and so on.
so on 是等等......的意思。
如:A B C 等等.......
2014-01-31 10:06 pm
抱歉! 是monkey business
2014-01-31 7:29 pm
money business 還是 monkey business?
2014-01-31 5:26 am
有人要把 吃"火雞"讀成 "吃火"雞 那她一定是也很頑皮吧!

2014-01-31 02:51:47 補充:
in "that house"

was read as

"in that" house

at 1.(1)

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