
2014-01-30 11:23 pm

回答 (12)

2014-01-31 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I called your name in the wrong way.
I called your name incorrectly.

I called you with the wrong name.
I called you with another name.

I mistook you as someone else.

2014-02-02 14:37:32 補充:
授與動詞並不是都不能加介系詞,例如「S + V(授與動詞) + DO + 介系詞 + IO」句型的用法,I called you with the wrong name. 在此的with是using; by means of的意思,with the wrong name是介系詞片語當副詞用,修飾動詞call. 例如原題「我叫錯你的名字了。」翻成I called you by the wrong name. 也是可以的。

2014-02-02 14:37:55 補充:
羅莉所言call若當授與動詞,不必加介系詞的情況則是「S + V(授與動詞) + DO + OC」句型的用法,舉個例「她給她的狗取名為Mary。」翻成She called her dog Mary.
再舉一例「你們可以視他為大師。」You may call him a master.若寫成We can call him with a master.當然就不對勁了。
參考: 若有錯請不吝指正,謝謝!
2014-01-31 12:13 pm
I called your name wrong.
參考: 自己
2014-06-24 7:42 am

2014-01-31 3:00 pm
Sorry, I said your name incorrectly.
2014-01-31 7:25 am
I think I am your mortgagee. Don't walk away from me!

2014-01-31 06:35:10 補充:
I thought mortgagee is the one receives money!
2014-01-31 6:39 am
When did you change your name?

2014-01-31 01:45:59 補充:
No problem at all - just pay up in cold cash today.

2014-01-31 21:01:41 補充:
Some are too confused to realize that their names have been changed!
2014-01-31 6:16 am
,Oops, I called you wrong name..
2014-01-31 5:43 am

1) 人沒認錯, 只是叫錯名字:
I called you someone else's name by mistake.

2) 人認錯了, 誤當成另一人:
I mistook you for someone else.

2014-02-01 08:31:01 補充:
最佳解答有錯誤, 提醒學習者注意:
I called you with the wrong name. (X)
I called you with another name. (X)
call在此是授予動詞, 兩句的with是錯誤用法, 應移除with:
I called you the/a wrong name. (O)
I called you another name. (O)

2014-02-01 08:37:04 補充:
I mistook you as someone else. (O)
I mistook you for someone else. (O)
兩句皆可, 但普遍度有顯著差別, 各加引號整句搜尋, 用for遠遠多於用as..
參考: 羅莉 -- 會話+語感
2014-01-31 5:40 am
Sorry, I mistook you for somebody else!!!

2014-01-30 22:55:23 補充:
I thought you're my creditor!!!!
2014-01-31 1:30 am
you're named incorrect by me
2014-01-30 11:40 pm

I call your name wrong

參考: 頭腦
2014-01-30 11:29 pm
I miscalled you.

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