120V US device in the UK?

2014-01-29 1:26 pm
I brought this facial steamer with me when I moved to the UK. On the bottom of the device it says: 120V

I knew before moving here it wouldn't work just with a US to UK plug cause of the voltage. I'm looking to buy a voltage converter. However the 400W in the label really throws me off. Step up converters I looked up online with 120V to 240v and 400W are for super heavy duty equipment and cost double the amount device. What kind of converter do I need? Does it need to need 400W and over?

Only educated responses please!


回答 (1)

2014-01-30 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
To operate a heating-only appliance (one that is purely resistive),
you should use a stepdown transformer rated for
at least 1.5 times as many watts as the load --
thus, in this case, 600 watts or more.

If the load is reactive (capacitive, inductive, or both),
such as something that contains a transformer or motor,
the stepdown transformer should be rated for
at least twice the power drawn by the load.

Your best option is to stash the U.S. appliance in a cupboard
until you are about to return to the U.S.
and buy one made to be used where you are.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:56:36
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