Did the Roman Empire benefit the UK more than the Industrial revolution ?

2014-01-28 7:40 pm

回答 (5)

2014-01-28 7:45 pm
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Under Rome, Britain was a colony and had no power.

The Industrial Revolution turned England into the superpower of the time.

The answer is obvious.
2014-01-29 5:09 am
There was NO "UK" until the 18th.Century.
2014-01-29 4:35 am
Hardly, the Industrial Revolution built the Modern world.

James Watt invented the separate condensing boiler which gives us steam power, and Michael Farady the Dynamos that convert the steam power into Electricity, however it is produced by Oil or Nuclear, which drives the whole world.

The Telegraph became the basis of the modern communications, with fibre optics bring them upto date.

Plus the Railways, to say nothing about Lasers in all the gadgets we use.

However the Romans did inspire the Victorians to build better sewerage systems, and our Army was structured around the Regiments the same as the Romans used Legions, also the fact of speedy communications, being paramount to the Roman Empire was not lost on the Victorians.

But although the Romans inspired much of that and it was used as a basis, it was the Industrial Revolution that brought modern banking, manufacturing, and the knowledge that efficiency improves wealth, Science with Newton and Mathematics that the Romans could not even comprehend.
2014-01-29 3:56 am
Roman history is nothing. The Romano British people were pushed out by the Anglo-Saxons, the only Roman influence left was the Church.
All Roman institutions and structures had gone and been forgotten by the people of the UK.
2014-01-29 4:18 am
no we never adapted to it when they left it just fell to rack and ruin and we just used the stones from their buildings to make huts we just returned to whence we came built camp fires on the glorious mosaics oh
it's criminal to think of it but that's what we did it's true those immortal words in the life of Brian "What did the Romans ever do for us" we hadn't the intelligence to see it it's embarrassing isn't it

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:16:56
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