What the fudge should I do?

2014-01-27 11:40 pm
I literally can't stand my school. I hate it. From day one I've literally been counting down the days for this to end. The teachers don't really care. The students are rude and ghetto. The building is filled with stairs, asthma attack type of stairs. I don't see me going here for 3 more years. To make everything worse, it's all girls. Same gender everywhere.

I really want to get homeschooled. But it's like everybody is against it when it's really my future. Idk what to do. Any help?

回答 (3)

2014-01-27 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just hang I'm there, it gets better!! Just focus on your studies, and get good grades. You can go to college for free if you do
2014-01-28 7:51 am
Here are your options:

1. You have no options because you're under 18.

2. (See number one.)

Hope this helped. :)
2014-01-28 7:41 am
Fudge? Isn't that a type of chocolate?

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